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Hallituksen jäsenet /Board members(3/2012-3/2013):Sebastian Gahnström, puheenjohtaja / chairman Dennis Londo, varapuheejohtaja / vice chairman Pertti Vanne, taloudenhoitaja / treasurer Marjaana Toiviainen, sihteeri / secretary Muut hallituksen jäsenet / other board members: Godfrey Mwanalumbili, Tapani Koivula, Edward Mtafungwa, Tapio Pitkänen, Noel Makumuli, Bertha Mashalla Varajäsenet / Alternate members: Jorma Paukku, Mkina Shinyella
COMMITTEES The Communications and Developments committees will function as working groups, whereas Activities will be divided under the coordinators of the respective activities. The next board will specify the responsibilities of the committees and their heads/coordinators will convene meetings and recruit members. Developments: Wende Luvinga Communications: Andrea Fichtmüller, Noel Alex Makumuli ACTIVITIES Mtu ni Watu: Godfrey Mwanalumbili, Maalima kylässä: Sebastian Gahnström Diaspora project: Edward Mtafungwa and Dennis Londo Database project: Sebastian Gahnström Membership: to be announced... Summer picnic/super summer sports bonanza: Edward Mtafungwa and Mkina Shinyella In addition to these appointments, we elected Risto Ekholm as the auditor of the accounts and Tuula Pitkänen as the inspector of activities.
2012 Hallituskokoukset (usually in Kepa):
Vuosikokouksen pöytäkirjat / Minutes and reports of AGMs:2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011(minutes + annual report) | |