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2010Marraskuu - November - NovembaTaarifa - Nov 2010 julkaistu / published
Syyskuu - September - SeptembaMtu ni Watu - festivalMtu ni Watu is the Tanzanian culture week arranged bi-annually by Suomi-Tansania Seura, this year together with kulttuurikeskus Caisa. The opening ceremony takes place Thursday 16.9., at 18.00 in the Festivity Hall in Caisa. The actual Mtu ni Watu events already earlier the same day (16.9.) with African fairytale readings and drumming workshops for kids ...in the morning (9.00-10.45). This is the program for the opening ceremony:
On Friday 17.9. the evening starts of at 16.00 with a Swahili language workshop in the Living room, where contemporary issues in Finland and Tanzania are discussed. From 18.00 onwards there will be a number of presentations, amongst others a presentation on the building of the Tuna Haki orphanage in Moshi by the responsible architects; a presentation on ecotourism in Usambara as well as experiences of Finnish and Tanzanian exchange students studying in their respective (foreign) countries. Saturday 18.9. is the main day of Mtu ni watu that also boasts the most events. The day kicks off with a workshop on Henna painting and hair plaiting between 13-15.00, and between 15-17.00 there will be another set of African story telling - Mr. Wilson Kirwa will be reading fairytales - and an African drumming workshop, again headed by Johnson Mluge. Next in line is the ever-popular fashion show, where Tanzanian and Finnish models present traditional Tanzanian clothing. The day is rounded up Johnson Mluge, his five drummers and 10 dancers, that will give a performance not easily forgotten. After this the celebrations continue at a venue yet to be disclosed. During Mtu ni watu the art exhibition Maisha yetu will decorate the walls of Caisa, so be sure to check out the Tanzania-exhibition in the entrance, the Tinga-tinga paintings in the hall ways and the Makonde-art exhibition in the gallery. Karibuni sana!
8th September - Opening ceremony of our exhibition Maisha Yetu at CaisaProgramme:
Heinäkuu - July - JuliAnnual Summer PicnicThe Finnish / Tanzanian Friendship community in Finland have pleasure to invite you to the annual summer picnic which will take place on Sunday the 18th July 2010, from 12.00 AM at the Iso Vasikkasaari Island. The link to the picnic place Iso Vasikkasaari is: http://www.espoo.fi/default.asp?path=1;28;11866;15440;16054;16056 The boat will leave from Nokkala to Iso Vasikkasaari Island according to the following timetable: Nokkala - Iso Vasikkasaari: 10.30, 11.45, 12.30, 13.45, 14.30, 15.45, 16.30, 17.45, 18.30 From the Iso Vasikkasaari Island to Nokkala the boat will leave according to the following timetable: Iso Vasikkasaari - Nokkala: 12.00, 13.15, 14.00, 15.15, 16.00, 17.15, 18.00, 19.15, 20.00 The cost for the trip is 4 Euro for both ways, to and from the Island, 2 Euro for children (free for children who are under 7 years old). This is a rare opportunity for individuals and the families as a whole to get together, and therefore, don’t hesitate to bring over your family, remember! you are free to invite your friends to celebrate your birthday, anniversary or any achievement. The committee advise you to take care of yourself on drinks and food. It is possible also to bring something for grill. Please, pass the information on to everyone as the committee would like to encourage everyone to participate. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact: Edward Mutafungwa - 040 7333397 Dennis Londo - 040 5892123
Kirjatarjous- Käsikirja Safaripassi. Pohjois-Tansania (Auris, 2008), Olli Marttila, 352 sivua, 520 kuvaa, 1,8 kiloa - Palkintoteos ja arvostelumenestys: VUODEN 2008 MATKAKIRJA! Kirja esittelee seikkaperäisesti paitsi Pohjois-Tansanian luontoa, myös monilta osin alueen kulttuuria, ja teos esittelee ensi kertaa suomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa alueen tärkeimmät heimot. Kirja jakaantuu viiteen osioon: Maapassi keskittyy Tansanian paikallisiin olosuhteisiin mm. esitellen seitsemän tärkeintä heimoa. Menopassi taustoittaa safarien historiaa ja kertoo käytännön ohjeita nykyaikaisille safarimatkoille. Luontopassissa käydään läpi suojelutoimintaa, ilmastoa ja eliöstöä. Lajipassissa esitellään kaikkiaan 160 kasvia, nisäkästä ja lintua. Puistopassi esittelee Pohjois-Tansanian seitsemän tunnetuinta puistoa: Mkomazi, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro ja Serengeti. Kirjan hinta seuran kautta jäsenille on 10 euroa ja ei-jäsenille 20 euroa (jokaiseen tilaukseen lisätään postituskulut). Jos olet kiinnostunut kirjasta ota meitä yhteitä: pertti.vanne(at)gmail.com tai andrea.fichtmueller(at)hotmail.com Ystävällisin terveisin, Suomi-Tansania Seura
Toukokuu - May - MeiJäsenmaksu - membership feeMembers, please, will you pay your membership fee to our Bank account 800018-492663. We shall send you a recognition of the payment if you include your e-mail address. Thank you! Pyydämme jäseniä maksamaan jäsenmaksunsa mahdollisimman pian tilillemme 800018-492663. Pyrimme lähettämään vastaanottoilmoituksen kun panet mukaan sähköpostiosoitteesi. Kiitos!
The financial situation of our Society is again at the edge. For example, contributions from membership fees ( based on number of registered members) to this year's budget is estimated at 1100 Euro, but we have to date received 470 Euros only. This has caused us concern especially if one takes into consideration the fact that the Board of the Society is since two years very active and organized many diverse activities such as Karibu Tufahamiane, support to the AIDS-orphan Rehema, our newsletter Taarifa, World Village Festival, summer excursions, Mtu ni Watu and so on, which have naturally generated extra expenses to the Society. These are in addition to the Society's fixed running costs. In spite of all this, it is the wish of the the Board to keep most of these activities running through the coming years.
Huuhtikuu - April - ApriliWarm greetings from Zanzibar Beach Resort"I have just recently joined the management team of Zanzibar Beach Resort, coming form cold Hameenlinna, Finland...it's absolutely lovely here. Zanzibar Beach Resort is built in an Arabic Design. We are centrally located on the South West Coast, just 5 minutes from the Airport and 10 minutes from the Historical Stone Town. The hotel is set amidst vast gardens with a grandstand view of the Indian Ocean. Accommodation: The choices of Stylish Accommodation consist of Air-conditioned 84 well appointed Sea View, Superior Standard Room Standard Rooms, Garden View and Suites. All the Guest Rooms draw inspiration from the charming Mix of local and Arabian architecture - wonderfully spacious and include a large bathroom, TV, internet connectivity, mini bar and in – room safe. We have made a very special offer for the month of May and June for the Finnish-Tanzania Association members starting from 90$ for single room and 123$ for twin or double room. The hotel also has extensive conference facilities. Please visit our website at www.zanzibarbeachresort.net or join as fans in our facebook page. Karibu sana - tervetuloa! Jaana Raisanen (zbr-dgm(at)zanlink.com)"
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGDear fellow members, I am happy to inform you that the Suomi Tansania Seura Annual General Meeting will take place on 23th April, 2010 at the Aurinko meeting room at Kepa offices from 18:30 to 20:30 hrs. It is my hope that as many members as possible attend the meeting in order to make sure that we have the best team possible to lead us into the coming year. If you cannot attend but would like to be considered for membership of the board in any capacity or as a volunteer for any future events, do please send me an e-mail at humphkalanje(at)yahoo.co.uk Your participation is of utmost importance. Karibuni sana, Humphrey Kalanje
Maaliskuu - March - MachiSocial policy in a globalized world: VOICES FROM TANZANIATanzania belongs to the nations most affected by poverty, and is a core country with regards to Finnish development aid. What are Tanzania’s main current challenges in social policy? What is the situation of Non-Governmental Organizations working with disadvantaged groups in society? What are current environmental concerns? Why are Finland and Africa / Tanzania important to one another? These questions are discussed by Tanzanian and Finnish speakers at the ‘International Forum on Social Policy’, on Wednesday, 17th March 2010 at the University of Helsinki, Metsätalo (Unioninkatu 40, Auditorium 6). Welcome to participate! The speakers are: Professor Felician Tungaraza, Professor of social work at the University of Dar es Salaam. Ms.Theresia Ngalula, lecturer of social work, Institute of Social Work, Dar es Salaam. Ms. Theofrida Kapinga, Executive Secretary of the NGO umbrella organization TACOSODE (Tanzania Council for Social Development). Josiah Severre, Director of the environmental organization ‘Green Arusha Society’. Timo Voipio, advisor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. Participation is complimentary. Registration to: riitta.ikonen(at)stkl.fi Organized by: International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW) Finland, The Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health and the Social Policy Association of Finland in cooperation with the University of Helsinki and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. The event addresses students, researchers and professionals in the social, health, and development field, and is open to all interested. The presentations will be held in English language. YOU ARE WELCOME!
Helmikuu - February - FebruariAfrikka naamioiden takana - 6.6.2010 astiAfrikkalaisten esineiden muotokieli on vaikuttanut merkittävästi eurooppalaiseen taiteeseen viime vuosisadan aikana. Yksittäinen esine kertoo sekä tekijänsä taitavuudesta että kokonaisesta maailmankuvasta. Tervetuloa tutustumaan synnyttäjälinnun ja maata viljelevän antiloopin tarinoihin Helinä Rautavaaran pienoisnäyttelyyn Afrikka naamioiden takana. Näyttely on esillä 6.6.2010 asti. Näyttelyssä tapahtuu: 26.2. ja 5.3. klo 12-15 naamiopaja. Tutustu naamioiden käyttöön eri puolilla maailmaa ja valmista oma naamiosi. Paja on tarkoitettu koko perheelle. Materiaalimaksu 2 €. 28.2. klo 14 Afrikka-painotteinen yleisöopastus. Helinä Rautavaaran museo, Näyttelykeskus WeeGee, Ahertajantien 5, Tapiola. Avoinna ti, pe-su klo 11-18, ke-to klo 11-20. Pääsymaksu 10 €. Alle 18-vuotiaat ja yli 70-vuotiaat 0 €. Vapaa pääsy ke-to klo 18-20. Tervetuloa! Lisätietoja: Ilona Niinikangas, p. (09) 816 314 33
Tammikuu - January - JanuariProject Planning Workshop - sign up now!The Finnish Tanzania Association together with the Finnish Ghana association and KEPA wishes to invite you to a special training workshop on Project Planning, which will take place on Saturday 30 January 2010 at the Hanken School of Economics, Arkadiankatu 22, from 10-16 hours. A second session will take place on Saturday 13th February from 10-16 hours. Unfortunately, only 20 participants (10 from each association) can be accepted. A participation fee of 10 euros per participant ( for both sessions) will be charged. Once accepted, the fee should be paid into the Suomi-Tansania Seura ry account number 800018-492663, giving your name and purpose ( Planning Workshop) in the message box . The deadline for confirming your participation is 23rd January 2010. The programme for the workshops is as follows: 1. Pre-assignment from KEPA will be issued on 16th January 2. First training session Saturday 30.1.10, 10-16. - Pre-assigments - General introduction to development co-operation and project cycle - Second assigment given to the participants 3. Second training session Saturday 13.2.10 -Project planning, principles and tools Best regards, Humphrey Kalanje Chairman of Suomi-Tansania Seura ry |