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2011Planned activities for 2011: - supporting the Tufahamiane Club, - supporting the AIDS-orphan Rehema, - producing our Newsletter Taarifa, - participating in the World Village Festival - this year even with a food stand in cooperation with the Tufahamiane Club women, - organizing a summer excursion, preparing an extra-ordinary 50-year Independence Day celebration. For all this we need your help! Please come and contribute your time or i.e. input to Taarifa etc.
(tarkemmin tulevissa Taarifa-tiedotteissa tai hallituksen jäseniltä.)
2011Joulukuu - December - DisembaTaarifa Dec 2011 - Special First Edition julkaistu/published!
Tansanian Itsenaisyysjuhla / Independence Day Celebration 50 years of independenceMore than enough reason for our Seura to celebrate the occasion! We would like to welcome all of you to celebrate with us on 9th December! Come and enjoy anniversary speeches, great food, music and dance. The location is Puotinkylä-Marjaniemen Työväentalo, Rusthollarinkuja 3 in Puotila, between 6 pm to 1 am. The celebration is free of charge, just bring some coins for food and drinks. RSVP: 1st Dec (contact: tanzania50years(at)gmail.com). Tanzania celebrates Independence Day on 9th December each year. On this date in 1961, the East African nation of Tanganyika gained independence from Great Britain. In 1964, Tanganyika united with several islands in the Indian Ocean, including Zanzibar and Pemba, to form the United Republic of Tanzania. Karibu wote!
Lokakuu - October - OktobaTaarifa Oct 2011 julkaistu/published!Dear all, The latest issue of our membership magazine Taarifa has been published. We've compiled information about upcoming events and workshops, and there is also among other articles a very interesting interview with Tanzanian albino activist Josephat Torner. We would also like to welcome all of you to celebrate Tanzania's 50th anniversary Independence Day celebration with us on the 9th of December! We're arranging a big celebration with lots of great program. (follow this link) Karibuni sana wote! *** Hyvät ystävät, Tässä on uusin julkaisu jäsenlehdestämme Taarifasta, olkaa hyvä! Lehdessä on tietoa tulevista tapahtumista sekä muun muuassa hyvin mielenkiintoinen haastattelu tansanialaisen albinojen oikeuksien puolesta taistelevan aktivistin Josephat Tornerin kanssa. Haluaisimme myös kutsua teidät kaikki tervetulleiksi Tansanian 50-vuotiseen itsenäisyysjuhlaan, joka vietetään 9.12! Kutsu juhliin avautuu tästä, linkin kautta. Karibuni sana wote!
Syyskuu - September - SeptembaHyvät jäsenet, Suomi-Tansania seura järjestää tänä syksynä swahilin kielen keskustelukerhon kaikille kielestä kiinnostuneille, jotka haluavat kehittää taitojaan. Kerhon tapaamiset järjestetään joka toinen lauantai kello 15-17 kulttuurikeskus Caisan kokoushuoneessa 3. Ensimmäinen tapaaminen järjestetään jo tämän viikon lauantaina 17.9. Kerhossa keskitymme enemmän arjen kielenkäyttöön kuin kielioppiin. Ajatuksena on myös järjestää tandem-keskusteluja swahiliksi ja suomeksi, niin että jokainen opiskelija toimii myös opettajana. Swahili-kerhon yhteyshenkilö on Noel Makumuli (044 30 77 817, alexnoel81(at)gmail.com). Noelia voi lähestyä kaikissa kerhoon liittyvissä asioissa. Ilmoita hänelle myös, jos olet osallistumassa lauantain tapaamiseen. Karibuni sana! Suomi-Tansania Seura ************************* Dear members, The Suomi-Tansania Seura is arranging a Swahili discussion club for those interested in improving their conversational Swahili skills. The club is arranged every second Saturday between 15-17 in Kulttuurikeskus Caisa (Vuorikatu 14, Kaisaniemi), meeting room 3. The first session is already next Saturday, 17.9. The focus of the sessions will be more on discussions than on grammar, and the idea is to have tandem-discussion in Swahili and Finnish. So all participants will be both teachers and students at the same time. The contact person for the Swahili club is Noel Makumuli (044 30 77 817, alexnoel81(at)gmail.com). Feel free to contact Noel in case of any questions, and please drop him a line if you are planning to participate on Saturday. Karibuni sana! Suomi-Tansania Seura ************************* Habari mabibi na mabwana, Suomi-Tansania Seura inakukaribisha kujiunga na Swahili klabu. Swahili klabu ni kwa ajili ya wote wanaopenda kufahamiana pamoja kujifunza na kuendeleza ujuzi wao wa kiswahili. Wanachama wa Swahili klabu hukutana mara mbili kila mwezi katika jumba la kitamaduni la Kaisa mjini Helsinki, mtaa wa Vuorikatu nyumba namba 14, chumba namba 3 kwa ajili ya majadiliano. Mikutano ya wanachama wa Swahili klabu huanza alasiri kuanzia saa tisa alasiri hadi saa kumi na moja jioni. Mkutano wa kwanza utakuwa ni tarehe 17 mwezi huu. Kwa maelezo zaidi wasiliana na Bwana Noel Makumuli kwa simu (044 30 77 817) au barua pepe (alexnoel81(at)gmail.com). Karibuni Sana.. Karibuni Wote.. Suomi-Tansania Seura
KIITOS ! ASANTENI !Suurkiitos kaikille jotka ovat jälleen tänä vuonna lahjoittaneet Rehema-stipendiin ja sitä kautta tukeneet Reheman koulunkäyntiä. Erityisen suuri kiitos Anja Mallatille sekä Ruskeasuon Lions Clubille heidän avokätisistä lahjoituksista! Suomi Tansania Seura ry:n Hallitus
Heinäkuu - July - JuliTaarifa June 2011 julkaistu/published!
Annual Summer PicnicThe Finnish-Tanzanian Friendship Society (STS) and Tufahamiane Club have the pleasure to invite you to the annual summer picnic, which will take place on Sunday the 17th July 2011, from 12.00 AM onwards at the Iso Vasikkasaari Island. This is the link to the picnic place Iso Vasikkasaari. The boat will leave from Nokkala harbor to Iso Vasikkasaari Island according to the following timetable: Nokkala - Iso Vasikkasaari: 10.30, 11.45, 12.30, 13.45, 14.30, 15.45, 16.30, 17.45, 18.30 From the Iso Vasikkasaari Island to Nokkala harbor the boat will leave according to the following timetable: Iso Vasikkasaari - Nokkala: 12.00, 13.15, 14.00, 15.15, 16.00, 17.15, 18.00, 19.15, 20.00 The cost for the trip is 4 Euro for both ways, to and from the Island, 2 Euro for children (free for children who are under 7 years old). This is a rare opportunity for individuals and the families as a whole to get together, and therefore, don’t hesitate to bring over your family, remember! You are free to invite your friends to celebrate your birthday, anniversary or any achievement. The Iso Vasikkasaari includes swings for children, a small field for playing football and volleyball (please bring some balls), as well as, a small beach for those who would like to swim. As has been the wonderful tradition in previous picnics, every individual or family that attends could also bring some food and drinks, which could be shared with everyone. It is also possible to bring something for grilling. Please, pass the information on to everyone we would like to encourage everyone to participate. For more information, don’t hesitate to contact: Edward Mutafungwa - 040 7333397 Dennis Londo – 040 5618617 KARIBUNI !
Toukukuu - May - MeiHAFF 2011This year’s festival theme is "Women’s Voices". The program features an inspiring selection of films and documentaries by African women filmmakers and other excellent films where African women play a central role. These selected films break away from the often stereotyped images of the African woman as voiceless as portrayed in popular film and media. Instead...read more
Huuhtikuu - April - ApriliEaster Party - PääsiäisjuhlaTufahamiane Club ina furaha kuwakaribisha nyote kwenye shughuli itakayofanyika kwenye ukumbi wa Rauhanasema, Pasila ya Mashariki ( Tunapofanyia sherehe za uhuru wa Tanzania kila mwaka) itakayoanza saa 10 jioni hadi saa 5 na nusu usiku, jumapili ijayo tarehe 24 Aprili 2011. Kutakuwa na chakula saa 11 na nusu jioni ( Euro 5 tu kwa sahani), vinywaji vya bei nafuu na muziki. Wote mnakaribishwa pamoja na familia zenu kujumuika na wenzako katika sherehe hio. The Tufahamiane Club has the pleasure of inviting you, your family and friends to a party that will take place at the Rauhanasema Main Hall ( East Pasila) from 4.00 p.m to 11.30 p.m. on Sunday 24th April 2011. There will be Tanzanian food on offer at 5 euros per plate as well as reasonably priced drinks and music. You are all welcome to come and spend an evening amongst friends.
Suomi-Tansania seuran vuosikokousHyvät seuran jäsenet, Minulla on ilo ilmoittaa teille, että Suomi-Tansania seuran vuosikokous pidetään tänä vuonna 28.4.2011 Kepan jäsentiloissa Aurinkohuoneessa klo 18-20. Toivon, että teistä mahdollisemman moni pääsee paikalle varmistaakseen sen, että meillä on paras mahdollinen joukkue johtamaan seuraamme tulevan vuoden aikana. Jos olet estynyt osallistumasta kokoukseen mutta haluat asettua ehdolle hallituksen jäseneksi tai olet kiinnostunut osallistumaan seuran tuleviin tapahtumiin vapaaehtoisena, voit lähettää minulle s-postiviestin osoitteeseen humphkalanje(at)yahoo.co.uk Tervetuloa - Karibuni sana! Humphrey Kalanje, Chairman Annual General MeetingDear fellow members, I am happy to inform you that the Suomi Tansania Seura Annual General Meeting will take place on 28th April, 2011 at the Aurinko meeting room at Kepa offices from 18:00 to 20:00 hrs. It is my hope that as many members as possible attend the meeting in order to make sure that we have the best team possible to lead us into the coming year. If you cannot attend but would like to be considered for membership of the board in any capacity or as a volunteer for any future events, do please send me an e-mail at humphkalanje(at)yahoo.co.uk Welcome - Karibuni sana, Humphrey Kalanje, Chairman
Maaliskuu - March - MachiTaarifa - March 2011 julkaistu / publishedMembership Fee - JäsenyysasiatThe Society would like to request and remind its members of the due membership fee for 2011. Please pay your fee according to the below given details latest before end of May 2011. Thank you! Please keep in mind that our Society's activties and existence very much depends on your membership fee. We still have the situation that only about 1/3 of the registered members are supporting the Society with the fee payment. Therefore, the financial situation of our Society is continuously at the edge. This causes continuous concern especially if one takes into consideration the fact that the board of the Society is very very active the last three years compared to before. Also this year, 2011, the board will organize many diverse activities such as:
Such activities have naturally extra expenses to the Society. These are in addition to the Society's fixed running costs (website, posting and post box, storage room rent, audit costs). It is the wish of the The Board to keep most of these activities running through the coming years. Our Membership fees for 2011 are as follows:
The Membership fee should be paid to the Society's bank account at Sampo:
When paying, it is important to mention the name and postal address of the member (members in case of family) in the message box on the pay slip. In case you want to become a volunteer, a member or re-new your membership, please send a card or email with your name, postal address and phone number to the following address: Email: pertti.vanne(at)gmail.com or to the Society's postal address: PO Box 906, 00101 Helsinki. Thank you!
Tammikuu - January - Januari