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huhtikuu 27, 2004
Pictures of Chernobyl -- "a story about town where one can ride fast, with no stoplights, no police, no danger to hit some cage or some dog (...) Actually, some people coming back to their homes and settle down, those mostly old people who do not care if they die today or tomorrow. important is to die at home (...) Houses open and everything as people left it 18 years ago (...) Some tourists companies have been trying to arrange extrim tours in this town, but people- their customers scared and have been complaining about silence which is hard to stand in empty town."
huhtikuu 25, 2004
The real reason George Bush went to war - Opinion - www.theage.com.au: "You may have thought the President had a secret agenda when he invaded Iraq. He didn't", writes Richard Cohen, a Washington Post columnist, inspired by Bob Woodward's book Plan of Attack. "Bush's conviction that he is a servant of God and history, chosen to liberate Iraq" etc. has been no secret.
huhtikuu 24, 2004
The Free Press -- Independent News Media Bob Fitrakis: "Bob Woodward outlines Bush’s illegal attack plan. Woodward establishes that five days after 9/11, the President was secretly scheming to go after, not bin Laden – the man responsible for the 9/11 attack – but rather bin Laden’s arch enemy Saddam Hussein. Specifically, 72 days after 9/11, Bush gave Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld the orders to draw up the secret war plans. Once enacted, these plans made George W. Bush a war criminal, just like the Nazi generals at Nuremberg. "
Raed in the Middle: "About my theory of solving the Iraqi crisis.I will be kind of 'inductive' in declaring my individual (maybe anarchist) perspective for an Iraqi road map, by discussing details first, and reaching to the big picture in some days." -- Pay attention to Raed!
:: Xinhuanet - English ::: "Iraq's radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr threatened in his Friday sermon to wage suicide attacks on US troops if they try to enter the holy city. The cleric made the announcement when he gave the weekly sermon to thousands of followers in Kufa, near the Shiite holy city of Najaf in central south, witnesses said."
huhtikuu 17, 2004
John Pilger: Get Out Now, Before We Are Thrown Out: "In Fallujah, US marines, described as 'tremendously precise' by their psychopathic spokesman, slaughtered up to 600 people, according to hospital directors. They did it with aircraft and heavy weapons deployed in urban areas, as revenge for the killing of four American mercenaries. Many of the dead of Fallujah were women and children and the elderly. Only the Arab television networks, notably al-Jazeera, have shown the true scale of this crime, while the Anglo-American media continue to channel and amplify the lies of the White House and Downing Street."
Olen mietiskellyt blogien, wikien yms. mahdollistamaa yhteiskirjoittamista ja -lukemista, ja yleensäkin Web-hypertekstin tulevaisuutta; kirjauksia suomeksi ja englanniksi. Intellektuaalisen yhteistyön julkisuus ja vapaus on yksi tärkeimmistä vaalittavista asoista. Useimmiten on kyse ajatusten ja tietojen asettumisesta vierekkäin, niiden vertailusta. Näinollen niiden välille pitäisi voida muodostaa merkityksellinen yhteys (linkki plus sitä koskeva informaatio). Näiden yhteyksien kaksisuuntaisuus on yksi perustava vaatimus paremmalle hypertekstille. Syntyisi polkujen verkosto, joita pitkin voisi seurata ajatusten kehitystä ja viisauden kumuloitumista, juurilta huipuille tai päinvastaisessa suunnassa, syntyihin syviin. Mitään laajempaan käyttöön soveltuvaa selainohjelmistoa tmv. ei vielä ole kehitetty em. tarkoitukseen.
huhtikuu 16, 2004
(DV) Rahkonen: Why American Troops Commit Atrocities in Iraq "During the Vietnam War, we were told a steady stream of lies regarding the rationale, conduct and outcome of America's intervention in Southeast Asia. Supposedly a battle to secure the world for democracy, the U.S. was actually engaged in an imperialistic effort to make the region's natural and human resources readily, cheaply available to profit-seeking multinational corporations. (...) Whether Vietnam or Iraq, what's a kid from Kansas or Ohio to do when it turns out that everyone hates the Yankees? Very likely, shoot everything and everybody in sight. (...) The Arab satellite network Al Jazeera and other foreign outlets are running grisly footage of the dead and dying. But the U.S. media play deaf, dumb and blind."
The Hindu : Opinion / Editorials : A MASS UPRISING: "THE IRAQIS HAVE risen en masse against the neo-colonial occupation of their country by the United States and its smattering of allies."
huhtikuu 14, 2004
George Bush and the Rise of Christian Fascism: "The problem comes down to this: Democrats, liberals, and social progressives have simply not grasped how afraid, insecure and how deeply in despair the populace is. They keep speaking as if objective analysis and idealistic vision can win the day. What Bush and Rove, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz and Pearls, Abrams and Bolton, DeLay and Rice etc, have clearly understood is that truth is subjectivity. Unfortunately, the inner person of America today is a hollowed out consumer who lacks the will power, stamina and imagination to do anything more than be overwhelmed. Therefore, a politics of crisis, a politics of fear will keep us locked into a state of conformity."
huhtikuu 13, 2004
People vs Total War Incorporated: "We believe that the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) program, put into practice by the Bush War Cabinet, leads directly to violations of international law, thousands of unnecessary war victims, and the destabilization of the entire planet in a social, political, and humanitarian respect. It is heading for an unheard of militarisation of the world. This New American Hegemony is in fact a way to serve the glory of the oil industry and military industrial complex (with which many PNAC members and Bush aides are closely linked)."
11. syyskuuta ja terrorismin vastainen sota: "Tällä sivulla esitetään yleisluontoisesti, mitä riippumattomat tutkijat ja journalistit ovat saaneet selville syyskuun 11. päivän terrori-iskuista"
RUDE MACEDON - John Kaminski Columns: "When you read through these and understand their contents, you will understand beyond question that everything you hear from the mouths of presidential candidates, government officials and TV commentators is a lie. That there is so much evidence to convince you that 9/11 was an inside job, that our leading officials are criminals and mass murderers, that you, as a functioning human being on this earth, have no choice but to try to convince your neighbor that something must done if we are not to go quietly into this police state prison that has been prepared for us."
huhtikuu 12, 2004
The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism: "But the official story [on Sept. 11] does not withstand critical examination. It is, in fact, full of holes. It's not just full of holes, it's a deliberate lie, designed to fool the American people and the rest of the world."
Democracy Now! | Two FBI Whistleblowers Accuse Bureau of Ignoring Warnings Before 9/11: (...) "former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds (...) says the FBI had information that an attack using airplanes was being planned before Sept. 11, 2001. [FBI agent Coleen] Rowley reveals one of her fellow FBI agents contacted FBI HQ before Sept. 11 and said Moussaoui was the type that might try to fly a plane into the World Trade Center."
TheStar.com - Ex-FBI worker challenges 9/11 'lie': "Edmonds, who was hired as a translator by the FBI nine days after the attacks, told the investigative panel she has seen and handled intelligence documents and cables that show Rice, the national security adviser, is wrong when she says there was no advance warning of air attacks on U.S. soil."
huhtikuu 9, 2004
Islam Online- News Section "April 9 , 2003 witnessed the fall of Baghdad to the U.S.-led occupation forces, the ousting of Saddam along with the Iraqi Baathist regime in what Washington dubbed “Iraq Freedom Operation”. Friday, April9 , 2004 witnessed U.S. occupation forces using a ladder to remove posters of Shiite scholar Moqtada al-Sadr that were affixed to a sculpture symbolizing a “new Iraq”, erected on the plinth where Saddam's statue once stood in a Baghdad square."
Healing Iraq: "Iraqi Blogs" listed on the right -- Sivun oikealla olevalla palstalla on luettelo blogeista. Ne kertovat enemmän ja paremmin kuin nk. valtamedia.
Healing Iraq: "The fatwa comes after 5 days of violence and unrest in several Shi'ite cities in southern Iraq, and while it is true that traditionally a fatwa from a living Grand Ayatollah is binding to his followers, that does not however apply to Al-Sadr's supporters who point out the more radical Grand Ayatollah Kadhim Al-Ha'eri (Iraqi exile Shia cleric operating from Meshed, Iran) as their spiritual leader, despite Al-Sadr's clumsy announcement two days ago that he will follow whatever Sistani and the Hawza in Najaf chooses for him, which I think is more probably a cry for help from the elders in Najaf."
Raed in the Middle; "I mean… from my secular point of view… it is a disaster to have all of these extremist religious right-winged militias… but this is the direct result of the lost policy of the Bush administration, which are exactly what the expected problem of imported “democracy” would be, I used to call this cul-de-sac that we are stuck in: The Algerian Dead End. Algeria went through the exact scenario some years ago… do you want elections and democracy? The powerful extremist religion people are going to win :*)
You don’t want democracy and elections? Don’t start the mess." (7th of April)
huhtikuu 5, 2004
Independent Journalism Under Occupation in Iraq: "There may never have been a time such as this where the need for investigative independent journalism has been so great. In Iraq, citizens and soldiers both will continue to die on a daily basis while the corporate media continues to report on bogus polls".

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