>>> spim start
maaliskuu 31, 2004
In Rejecting the Language of Terrorism writes Mike Whitney: "The War on Terror will persist until its flawed logic is challenged. As long as the root of the deception remains unexposed the global situation will continue to deteriorate. The driving force is ideas, not bombs. The Bush Administration has carefully disguised these ideas in the language of deception. (...) As for terrorism; the most effective tool in undermining terrorism is justice; justice that applies beyond our borders and is not circumscribed by the petty limitations of nationalism."
maaliskuu 30, 2004
BlogPulse Key Phrases, Key People, BlogBites, and Top Links are mined daily from new entries in over 750,000 weblogs using machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques. BlogPulse mines for bursty phrases and person names instead of for the most popular ones.
maaliskuu 19, 2004
ISY eli ilmansuojeluyhdistys on pystyttänyt nettisaitin, jossa onnistuu myös ryhmätyö -- sujuva tekniikka! Samantapainen ketterä foorumi on aulabaari.net.
maaliskuu 11, 2004
AlltheWeb : "Currently searching 3,151,743,117 web pages" -- huomionarvoinen kone!
maaliskuu 7, 2004
"European Pollutant Emission Register is the first European-wide register of industrial emissions into air and water." -- tyylikäs karttapohjilla toimiva toteutus.
maaliskuu 3, 2004
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (suomeksi) is a lot more than an encyclopedia. First of all, it means opportunities for us all to write, to publish and to collaborate. Writing is easy just using your browser. On every page there is link 'Edit this page'. You can start right away, after learning some basic WikiWiki writing tricks. There is no Kerberos. And everything works fine. Of all the features I want to pick up RecentChanges through which you can follow the heartbeat of this great community. And also worth of mentioning is backlinks. On every page you can click 'What links here' and find out the pages that refer to that particular page you are reading/editing. This all means that pages within a wiki community are highly interconnected.
maaliskuu 2, 2004
Blogdex pyrkii nostamaan esille aiheet, jotka kulloinkin leviävät "Weblog-yhteisössä". Nyt näkyy mm. "Downing Street Says..." eli jäljitetään ne blogit, joissa käsitellään ko. downingstreet.com -saittia. Ks. selventävä Blogdex selostus tästä jo parivuotisesta MIT:n tutkimusprojektista.
Great speech on Freedom! -- Vapaasoftasäätiön (Free Software Foundation) lakimies, professori Eben Moglen puhui 26.2.2004 Harvard Law School'ssa (Cambridge) vapaista ohjelmistoista ja herätti keskustelua sekä tilaisuuden aikana että sen jälkeen.

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