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Roundtable at the Finnish Institute in London, 9 October 1998

Internet, Copyright & Freedom of Information: Problematics of the EU Directive and MAI


1. Executive Summary
1.1. Date and Place
1.2. Timing
1.3. Findings

2. Planning and Organisation
2.1. The organisers
2.2. The Finnish Institute in London
2.3. The mailing list and the website
2.4. The roundtable and its Chairman
2.5. The participants
2.6. A Photoreportage
2.7. An early letter of invitation

2.8. Final letter of invitation

3. Property, Propriety And The Threat To Public Access. Keynote
presentation by dr Paul Sturges

4. Summary of the proceedings (part one)
4.1. SACD, Leena Krohn, Statewatch
4.2. MAI and Libraries
4.3. On Fair Use and Library Exceptions

5. Current EU Position, by Petra Wikström

6. Summary of the proceedings (part two)
6.1. What is the aim of the EU Directive on copyright?
6.2. Fame and fortune
6.3. Why to worry about the Directive?
6.4. Authors, Rightholders and Big Business

7. Papers and notes

Updated 4.12..1998 by Mikael Böök

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