Roundtable on freedom of information:  Internet - Copyright: Problematics of the EU Directive and MAI
Friday 9 October 1998, 1-6p, at the Finnish Institute, 35-36 Eagle Street, London

List of participants

a) from London or England:

Andrew Puddephat Director, Charter 88,

Elaine Attias Journalist

Maurice Frankel, Director, The Campaign for Freedom of Information

Stephen Coleman, Dr, Political Consultant to UK Citizens Online Democracy (UKCOD), and Director of Studies at The Hansard Society for Parliamentary Government.

Brian Groombridge Professor; affiliation: Scarman Trust,

Gary Herman Journalist. Affiliations: Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom; National Union of Journalists; Labourtel. - reference:

Henrik Stenius Director of Finnish Institute in London, historian, see the webpage of the institute:

Ralph Amissah Specialist in International Trade Law and webmaster of "International Trade Law Monitor",

Kersti Juva Literary translator. Has recently translated "Tristram Shandy" into Finnish.

Paul Sturges Teacher and researcher in Information and Library Studies at Loughborough University, UK, homepage - Areas of interest are legal and ethical issues, with particular emphasis on freedom of expression and electronic networks (Consultant for the Council of Europe on this), and information systems and services in developing countries (particularly Africa). Chair of the International Group of the Library Association (IGLA).

Jill Martin Affiliation: The Library Association,

Tony Bunyan Editor of Statewatch bulletin (6 issues a year) and the Statewatch European Monitor (2 issues a year). On behalf of Statewatch he has taken seven complaints to the European Ombudsman concerning access to the EU documents on justice and home affairs. So far five have been "won". The webpage of the Statewatch database is found at

Glyn Daly Dr. Researcher Associate in political theory, Centre for Theoretical Studies, University of Essex.

Anthony Roediger Master's student at Oxford University doing his thesis on the fair use provisions of the draft copyright Directive, and their effect on research and study.

Kerstin Lindman-Strafford Journalist. UK Correspondent, Hufvudstadsbladet,

Farrell Burnett Researcher, Centre for Communication and Information Studies, University of Westminster, UK

Tapani Lausti Editor of Eagle Street Newsletter of Finnish Institute in London, Journalist.

Mari Mäkinen Trainee of Finnish Institute in London. Completing MA degree in Media Studies at the University of Lapland.

b) from elsewhere:

Irina Krohn Member of Parliament, Green group, Finland - has a background as a theatre professional

Sinikka Sipilä Secretary General, Finnish Library Association, - is interested in the library questions and access to information especially in the developing countries with experience of fieldwork in Africa and in Asia

Mikael Böök Director of the cooperative Internet service provider Katto-Meny, Finland, - is interested in e-mailing, web-publishing and net-building, homepage: Brings to the roundtable the article "Library is a Keyword", see

Leena Krohn Writer, Finland. Author of novels, short stories, fantasy stories, poems, essays and radio plays ("Pereat mundus - a novel, kind of" is forthcoming in October). Maintains a website with links to works (or extracts from works) in Finnish and translations to Swedish and English,

Terhi Rantanen Associate Professor at the Deparment of Communication, University of Helsinki. She is working on a book on the future of news agencies, see

Susanna Broms Legal adviser, Royal Library, Sweden. Is interested in the copyright issues, public access to official records, issues concerning confidential and secret information. Maintains the webpage

Petra Wikström Assistant of Astrid Thors, Finnish Member of the European Parliament, Brussels. - Follows as her main task the work in the Committee on Legal Affairs and Citizens' Rights of the EP, which is the responsible committee for the Copyright-directive. Astrid Thors homepage:

Tom Eigil Hverven Editor and critic in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation - Awarded "Critic of the year 1998" in Norway. Head of the project "Leseforeningen" ( ), a weekly television programme on literature. Editor of pioneer web-project before the Norwegian General Election 1997:

Janine Lorente Directrice des Affiares Internationales, Societé des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques, SACD, France, SACD is a private corporate entity for the collection and distribution of authors' royalties, managed by and for its members.

Cécile Despringre Chargée d'études, Societé des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques (SACD), Belgium

Contact: Mikael BÖÖK Katto-Meny, fax +358-9-270 90 369, e-mail: