Problematics of the EU Directive and MAI
International Roundtable
9 October 1998
Organised by Charter 88 , The Scarman Trust ,
The Finnish Library Association, Katto-Meny ,
and the Finnish Institute in London
 Participation by invitation (See the preliminary list of participants ).
Venue:         The Finnish Institute in London
Eagle Street, London WC1R 4AJ
Time:      1.30 - 5.30 p.m.

Light lunch will be available at the Institute
from 12.30 p.m., and reception after the meeting.
Convenor:   Mr Mikael Böök, Katto-Meny
It is envisaged that the roundtable will consider the following:
1. Mutual Information: The current EU position; comparison of different national traditions in relation to freedom of information; and the current political situation at the national level (the issue being highly topical in Britain).
2. Urgent European aspects of the Problem: - conflicting interests: Implications of the Net and information technologies on eg the tension between freedom of information and expression, and intellectual property rights. Library is a keyword.
3. Our individual and collective responsibilities: What should be said to the politicians and lobbyists in Strasbourg and Brussels?

Keynote speaker:   

  Dr Paul Sturges                                        

Current EU position:

   Ms Petra Wikström