[puhekupla] sanoma
From: Maria Björklund (maria.bjorklund@pp.inet.fi)
Date: 26.10.2001 - 18:11:11
Tämmöistä postia Hollannista. Kertokaahan kokemuksenne Sanoma Oy:stä
työnantajana, eritoten taiteellisessa työssä. Vai uskaltaako aiheesta
Suomessa mitään sanoa?
Hello Maria,
I hope all is well out your way. I wanted to ask you something...The thing
is, that i have been working for a Dutch concern/publishing house called VNU
for a while now, that has recently been taken over by Sanoma from Finland.
Last week, every artist working for VNU has received a letter, containing a
contract. A lot of discussion is going on about it (per e-mail), because
some of us think that this deal stinks. It probably does, but i wanted to
know if you or anybody you know in Finland has bad experiences with Sanoma.
I had never heard of them, i don't know of a reputation of this firm.
Well, i may be barking up the wrong tree, but if you have any info that is
valuable, let me know.
Marcel R.