Re: UK Database Directive implementation

Subject: Re: UK Database Directive implementation
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 28 marras 1997 - 18:50:21 EET

Received from Prof. Charles Oppenheim

I totally agree with Sandy. This is one example (another is a
reference to "research for commercial purposes", which is totally
meaningless) of a very poorly drafted piece of legislation.

I was once told that the Parliamentary draughtsmen who write the
legal texts for the UK Government are "the best in the world". That
was before I got involved in UK copyright law. I now believe they
are the worst in the world. They don't have the foggiest idea what
they are doing, and leave everyone - copyright owners and users - in
a state of total confusion.

Professor Charles Oppenheim
de Montfort University
Hammerwood Gate
Milton Keynes MK7 6HP

Tel 1908-834945
Fax 1908-834929

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