Subject: EC Action Plan for Internet
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ma 01 joulu 1997 - 12:04:46 EET
On 26 November 1997, the European Commission approved a draft action plan
intended to promote the safe use of the Internet. It can be downloaded from:
The action plan identifies a series of measures that could be supported by
the EU to combat ilegal (e.g. unauthorized distribution of copyrighted
works) and harmful content on information networks. The proposed action
plan is specifically aimed at actions where financial support from the
Community is necessary. It aims to
- stimulate to develop and implement systems of self regulation,
- stimulate applications of technical solutions,
- alert and inform parents and teachers,
- encourage set up European centres enabling user to report illegal content
- recommend to use interoperable rating and filtering schemes.
The action plan would cover the period 1998-2001. Following the European
Parliament's consultation, the Concil of Ministers has to vote unanimously
for adoption of the action plan.
Legal liability
Annexe 2 of the action plan describes the work already carried out or under
way in the EU. Among many other activities, the European Commision has
published a call for tenders for a study on legal liability systems in
Member States regarding Information Society services. The study will draw
up an inventory of laws, regulations, administrative practices and form of
self-regulation which are in existence or in preparation in the Member
States, and which establish forms of legal liability applicable to
operators und users of Information Society services, including copyright
and neighbouring rights. First results are expected at the beginning of 1998.
Barbara Schleihagen
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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