Subject: RE: UK Database Directive implementation
From: Hans Martin Fagerli (
Date: pe 28 marras 1997 - 12:05:00 EET
===== Comments by HANSF@HIOADM (Hans Martin Fagerli) at 28.11.97 10:44
I should be very careful about interpreting english texts, but I know the
term "illustrations" from formulations in the Norwegian legislation
conserning copyright and intellectual property rights. Lawmakers seem always
to try to extend the use of old terms as long as possible at the same time
as they try to be as general as possible. The term illustration is used in
connection with scientific publications where it is allowed without
endangering copyright to use illustrations which exemplifies themes in the
text. Your example may be interpretede in a similar way if they mean that
using exemples from databases in teaching is a kind of "illustrating". But
as you say: it is of no help in a library environment.
Hans Martin Fagerli tlf. 22 45 30 07
Bibliotekleder fax 22 45 30 05
Høgskolen i Oslo
Wergelandsveien 27
0167 OSLO
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