Subject: Re: Copyright: keep or assign to publishers
Date: to 23 syys 1999 - 13:02:20 EEST
Michael : Very interested in what you say. Often here in UK with
academic articles it's Hobson's choice about assigning copyright
(eg to MCB University Press journals) if you want to get into print
at all and conform to the research-assessment exercise hurdle-
races we have here. Could you tell me what Project Gutenberg is
(and excuse my profound ignorance)? Good wishes, Stuart.
Dr Stuart Hannabuss, Lecturer, School of Information and Media,
Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland.
On 21 Sep 99, at 11:11, Michael S. Hart wrote:
> No, it's NOT rocket science, it's just plain common sense. . . .
> If you MUST give up the rights to your first-born to the publishers
> to get published, at least call a spear a spear and have twins. . .
> write TWO articles that say exactly the same thing but in different
> ways. . .submit them both. . .both listed as copyrighted by you.
> Ask them to choose the one they want, and then you are free to rent
> out the other one as you please, rather than sell for a few sheckel
> short of 30 pieces of silver.
> There is NEVER any reason other than greed, sloth, envy, gluttony--
> etc., for anyone to require that no other person be able to publish
> YOUR work than them. . . !
> Michael S. Hart
> []
> Project Gutenberg
> "Ask Dr. Internet"
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> Internet User ~#100
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