Re: Copyright: keep or assign to publishers

Subject: Re: Copyright: keep or assign to publishers
From: Michael S. Hart (
Date: ti 21 syys   1999 - 19:11:34 EEST

No, it's NOT rocket science, it's just plain common sense. . . .

If you MUST give up the rights to your first-born to the publishers
to get published, at least call a spear a spear and have twins. . .
write TWO articles that say exactly the same thing but in different
ways. . .submit them both. . .both listed as copyrighted by you.

Ask them to choose the one they want, and then you are free to rent
out the other one as you please, rather than sell for a few sheckel
short of 30 pieces of silver.

There is NEVER any reason other than greed, sloth, envy, gluttony--
etc., for anyone to require that no other person be able to publish
YOUR work than them. . . !

Michael S. Hart
Project Gutenberg
"Ask Dr. Internet"
Executive Director
Internet User ~#100

On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Eamon Fennessy wrote:

> Barbara and Denise:
> Our experience in the STM (Scientific, Technical & Medical) publishing
> community is that authors who want wide dissemination of their works and
> added value contributed by publishers are more than happy to exchange their
> copyright for that added value. Some authors feel the exchange is not worth
> it and espouse retaining ownership.
> No one can expect to make blanket pronouncements that all authors want the
> responsibilities of continuing ownership while they seek publication in
> respected journals. What it comes down to is that individual authors will
> continue to make decisions based on their own situations and publishers
> continue to provide value added services to authors who wish to transfer
> copyright. This is not rocket science. Eamon T. Fennessy, Chairman & CEO
> The Copyright Group
> P.O. Box 5496
> Beverly Farms, MA 01915
> Phone & FAX (978) 927 9936
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>
> At 10:41 AM 9/21/99, you wrote:
> >Dear list subscribers,
> >
> >Please see the request below for further information on the European
> >regarding self-publishing. Maybe you would like to give your view?
> >
> >Kind regards, Barbara Schleihagen
> >
> >----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Date: Mon, 20 Sep 1999 13:30:11 +0200
> >From: Denise Nicholson <>
> >To:,
> >Subject: Copyright: keep or assign to publishers
> >Content-Length: 2185
> >
> >
> >I wondered if you could let me have some information and/or your
> >comments on the subject of copyright management and copyright
> >ownership. I have read several articles about universities in America
> >debating the issue as to whether academic authors shouldn't be keeping
> >their own copyright, rather than assigning it to journal publishers.
> >Some institutions in the US have proposed various options, one being a
> >National Electronic Article Repository (NEAR), whereby only the
> >exclusive right to journal publication of the manuscript would pass to
> >the journal. The author would retain the right to have the manuscript
> >included in the NEAR 90 days after it appears in the journal.
> >The problem is that no one is prepared to take the risk unless everyone
> >does, as his material may not be published and his career could be
> >negatively affected. Hence the debate continues until a resolution is
> >found.
> >
> >Even in South Africa academics are getting tired of having to assign
> >their copyright and control of their IP to publishers, as they get no
> >compensation for this, in fact some journals require authors to pay per
> >page before publishing their works.
> >
> >The Association of Learned Authors and Professional Society Publishers
> >in the UK did a survey earlier this year and the results confirm that
> >authors would rather keep their own copyright rather than assign it to
> >publishers. Copyright was low on their list of concerns. They receive
> >nothing or very little from publishers in the way of copyright
> >royalties.
> >
> >I would like to know whether similar debates are happening in Europe and
> >whether any policies on this have been made. With the Internet,
> >obviously, authors are looking at quicker, more efficient ways of
> >publishing, but they still require a good "peer review" system.
> >
> >I look forward to hearing from you, as soon as possible. I am preparing
> >a paper for Academic authors next week and hope to discuss international
> >trends in this regard.
> >
> >Thanks
> >Denise Nicholson
> >Copyright Services Librarian,
> >University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.
> >Tel. 27-11-716-4446
> >Fax. 27-11-403-8088
> >
> >
> >
> >

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