Subject: EU Archive Network Project
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 18 joulu 1998 - 20:34:37 EET
(from lis-european-programmes)
European Union Archive Network Project
EUAN is a project for the Info2000 initiative launched by DGXIII of
European Commission, responsible for telecommunications and the
market. Info2000 called for multi-national, public-private sector
partnerships with imaginative projects to exploit public sector
EUAN is about opening up access to archives across the European Union.
underlying vision is that a citizen should be able, using Internet, to
information about the contents of the national archives of another
of the Union. At present geographical, language and cultural barriers
impede this.
The archives of the partners contain a wealth of information from the
century to the 20th, ranging from government files to collections of
private papers of prominent individuals, from records of the Socialist
International to registers of property rights in Scotland and from
diplomatic correspondence to the records of the Allied Control
for Italy. The project will open up access to the top level catalogues
all these records.
EUAN will examine both archival questions: how to ensure consistent
description independent of language, and information technology
how to navigate between different computer systems. The project will
produce a prototype user interface together with reports and guidelines
promoting further European standardisation in these areas.
The EUAN partners are:
the National Archives of Scotland (co-ordinator)
the National Archives of Sweden
the National Archives of Italy
the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam
Scottish Archive Network Ltd
EUAN is an inclusive rather than exclusive project and dissemination and
sharing of results will go far beyond the consortium partners.
The project, which is expected to begin in January1999 and run for 2
is worth approximately 0.5 million ECUs (about USD 0.5 million) of
around half will be contributed by the EC.
EUAN will be run in close partnership with other European initiatives,
including another archive project selected in Info2000, the European
Archive (EVA). It will also work closely with international archival
including the ICA committees on Information Technology and on
Standards, and will complement the Swiss initiative to provide a common
Internet gateway for European archive websites.
For further information contact:
George MacKenzie (the National Archives of Scotland,
Edinburgh EH1 3YY United Kingdom/ Royaume Uni
Tel: +44 131 535 1313 or 1382;
Fax +44 131 535 1360;
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