Subject: SEDODEL
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: pe 18 joulu  1998 - 15:58:37 EET

* SEDODEL Special Interest Group Meeting at ALA Midwinteer *

Monday 1 February, 9.30am to 11.00am
Room 401-403, Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia

The SEDODEL (Secure Document Delivery for Blind and Partially Sighted
People) Project is sponsored by the European Commission under the TIDE

The majority of the population take the convenience of public
libraries for granted. Shelves and catalogues can be easily browsed,
articles and books quickly scanned for items of interest, and if the
material required is not available it can be ordered. This has not
been the case for blind and partially sighted people who often have to
rely on a limited range of material from specialist libraries.

New technology suggests that this situation could change. Electronic
documents can be easily transformed into accessible forms of
information such as Braille or synthetic speech. However, new
technology invariably means new problems.

SEDODEL addresses some of the main problems such as copyright,
integrity issues and interoperability issues.This is done through an
ERMS (Electronic Rights Management System) which is a technical system
for IPR protection. It can combine security and authentication
functions along with payment mechanisms to ensure copyright holders
are remunerated if necessary. For further information about SEDODEL
see the Web site at

This meeting will give participants the opportunity to debate the
issues surrounding electronic access to information for blind and
visually impaired people.

To pre-register please contact Pauline Connolly, Fax: +44 1937 546478;

A full agenda for the meeting will be sent out in the new year.

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