Subject: (no subject)
Date: to 17 joulu 1998 - 00:27:15 EET
Dear colleague,
This message is intended to draw your attention to the second
announcement of the IFIP WG8.1 International Working Conference
"INFORMATION SYSTEM CONCEPTS: An integrated discipline emerging"
Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
20-22 September 1999
Important dates:
Submission of Papers/Proposals: 15 April 1999
Notification of acceptance: 15 June 1999
Camera-ready papers: 15 August 1999
We apologise if you receive this e-msg more than once, which is not
unlikely since your address will have appeared on a number of lists
of people interested in the theory and practice of information systems.
This list is intended to be used sparingly, for reminders and conference
joining instructions. Should you wish to be dropped from it (which
we hope you will not), just reply with a brief word. Should you like
to contact others or circulate information of interest to the other list
members, again, just submit.
Meanwhile, wishing you a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Alex Verrijn-Stuart
ISCO4 Organization Committee Chair
Leiden, 15 December 1998
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