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Subject: (no subject)
Date: pe 12 marras 1999 - 13:29:33 EET

Date sent: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:35:07 +1100
From: "Charles Maddison" <cmaddison@copyright.com.au>
To: ecup-list@kaapeli.fi
Subject: News release on copyright in Australia
Sender: owner-ecup-list
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: ecup-list@kaapeli.fi


12 November 1999

Attorney-General raises fears about digital copyright

In opening the Copyright Symposium in Sydney yesterday the Federal
Attorney-General, Mr Daryl Williams, raised fears that libraries might be
forced to pay “prohibitive licence fees” when they transmit copyright
works online.

The Chief Executive of Copyright Agency Limited, Mr Michael
Fraser, said: “Authors and publishers have only ever sought equitable
remuneration – fair payment – when their works are transmitted.

“Authors and publishers agree that public libraries’ traditional role
should be maintained. The public should always be able to borrow books
and read in the library for free,” he said.

“They have not argued for ‘prohibitive’ fees, but for fair compensation
for systematic use.

“When libraries republish works on line in competition with author and
publishers, authors and publishers should receive fair reward for the use
of their work, especially when libraries earn revenue for these online

“The Digital Agenda Bill is now before the House of Representatives’ Legal
and Constitutional Affairs Committee, and we urge the Government to allow
the Committee to complete its work before deciding the issues.

“Authors and publishers are keen to ensure that readers have
systematic access to books and journals online, providing they are
fairly paid for the use of their work,” he said.

“Australia cannot develop an electronic publishing industry by
free-riding on the backs of creative authors and publishers.

“Respecting copyright encourages creativity and trade in intellectual
property for the benefit of the whole community,” Mr Fraser said.

Media contacts:

Michael Fraser
Chief Executive Officer
Copyright Agency Limited
0412 – 146 127
02 – 9394 7600

Charles Maddison
Media Affairs Officer
Copyright Agency Limited
02 – 9394 7684
0417 – 652 613

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