Re: Quoting from sources online

Subject: Re: Quoting from sources online
From: Paul Geller (pgeller@Law.USC.EDU)
Date: su 18 loka   1998 - 22:54:39 EEST

In response to the following inquiry, look at Section 8[2]
in the national chapters in _International Copyright Law &
Practice_, edited by Paul Edward Geller, published by
Matthew Bender & Co., and updated yearly. Generally, the
applicable provisions on quotation, criticism, news, etc.,
apply to both older and new media. Of course, the cases
applying such provisions to on-line uses have begun to
become more frequent in the last decade or so. Ultimately,
your lawyer has to look at your intended uses specifically.
-- Paul Geller

On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Gail Ludvigson wrote:

> My apologies for cross postings of this message.
> May I solicit list members' comments, suggestions, assistance
> concerning the following situation? I would like to include the
> information in an article I'm researching on Internet and copyright.
> I'm interested in both U.S. and international.
> If an online content writer quotes a small portion of a larger
> document, say just a paragraph of 100 words, and gives it full
> attribution, but does not first obtain written permission to use the
> quote, does it violate copyright? Does the source of the quote
> (newspaper, magazine, book, newsletter) make any difference? Is it
> the same or different on the Internet as compared to hard-copy writing?
> Thanks so much for your help.
> ==
> Gail C. Ludvigson, J.D.
> c/o Talking Dog Media
> 1331 118th Avenue SE, Ste. 300
> Bellevue, WA 98005
> _________________________________________________________
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