Quoting from sources online

Subject: Quoting from sources online
From: Gail Ludvigson (gludvig@yahoo.com)
Date: ma 12 loka   1998 - 13:23:14 EEST

My apologies for cross postings of this message.

May I solicit list members' comments, suggestions, assistance
concerning the following situation? I would like to include the
information in an article I'm researching on Internet and copyright.
I'm interested in both U.S. and international.

If an online content writer quotes a small portion of a larger
document, say just a paragraph of 100 words, and gives it full
attribution, but does not first obtain written permission to use the
quote, does it violate copyright? Does the source of the quote
(newspaper, magazine, book, newsletter) make any difference? Is it
the same or different on the Internet as compared to hard-copy writing?

Thanks so much for your help.

Gail C. Ludvigson, J.D.
c/o Talking Dog Media
1331 118th Avenue SE, Ste. 300
Bellevue, WA 98005

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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