Letter of IFLA President & Vacancy Statement SG (English & French version)

Subject: Letter of IFLA President & Vacancy Statement SG (English & French version)
From: Sophie (sophie@python.konbib.nl)
Date: to 08 loka   1998 - 15:32:13 EEST

(This message is cross-possted to several lists - Apologies for possible
duplicate postings!)

Dear Colleagues,

It is with deep regret that I inform you that our esteemed Secretary
General, Leo Voogt, has announced that he will resign from this post as
of 1 January 1999. Leo has accepted an invitation to become the
Executive Director of the Royal Association for the Book Trade in the
Netherlands. Although his leadership will be greatly missed, his desire
after over six strenuous years to be able to spend more time at home
with his family and friends was certainly well understood.

Leo Voogt accepted this post in 1992 and under his management IFLA has
continued to develop as a worldwide organization representing libraries
and librarianship. You will certainly agree me with me that IFLA over
this period has developed a different image as a stronger player
globally, with a more international outlook based on an effective
presence electronically.

Leo Voogt and I have had a very enjoyable relationship as President and
Secretary General. I am, professionally and personally, grateful for his
support during the first year of my Presidency and I look back with
great satisfaction on the time we have spent together on developing our
joint agenda for IFLA. Although Leo and I have only closely worked
together since the Copenhagen Conference, I am sure that his leaving
IFLA will not bring an end to our friendship.

The Executive Board will offer Leo a farewell reception in The Hague on
the afternoon of December 3 on the occasion of our Board meeting
(December 1-3). Obviously, for almost all of you it will not be possible
to attend. However, if you would want to send a message or, because of
your geographic position, would be able to attend, please notify Sophie
Felfoldi at IFLA HQ (fax: +31-70-3834827 or email:

You may be confident that IFLA's Executive Committee has taken the
necessary first steps to assure that we seek the most qualified
candidates in our search for his successor. We are particularly
concerned to ensure that a truly wide-ranging search goes on. We are
looking for strong international awareness and professional skills in
possible candidates. People with such skills will already be in
demanding positions and may not be considering change. We would
therefore be particularly grateful for nominations of possible
candidates which the Executive Committee can then pursue. IFLA is your
organisation and we therefore seek your advice in making a good
appointment. Nominations can be forwarded to the IFLA Treasurer, Mr.
Derek Law (tel: +44 (0) 141 548 4619, fax: +44 (0) 141 552 3304, e-mail:

The Secretary General of IFLA is a full-time position based in The
Hague. A description of the essential requirements and principal
responsibilities is included; it will also be distributed through IFLA-L
and will be posted on IFLANET. All our National Association Members
receive a camera-ready copy of a vacancy note, that we would hope could
be included in your Journals/Bulletins.

The IFLA Executive Board is determined to appoint a dynamic individual,
who will continue to further professionalize and internationalize IFLA.
We hope that you can assist us in this process.

Applications should include a comprehensive curriculum vitae and should
be addressed to me at IFLA Headquarters for receipt by November 27,

We do look forward to hearing from you.


Ms Christine Deschamps, President of IFLA

Enclosure: Vacancy note


The present Secretary General of IFLA, Mr. Leo Voogt, will resign as of
January 1, 1999 to accept a position elsewhere. The Executive Board of
IFLA therefore invites applications and/or nominations for the post.

Essential requirements

* Sound professional and academic background
* Managerial skills, which have been demonstrated at a senior level
within librarianship or a related field
* Fluency in internal and external communication and sensitivity to
different cultures
* Ability to withstand stress
* Experience in international work
* Fluency in English, familiarity with French, reasonable knowledge of
Spanish, Russian and/or German
* In good health, and prepared to travel extensively


* Direct and coordinate the various IFLA activities, including the IFLA
(IFLA Headquarters, Regional Offices and other Offices for specific
* Assume the responsibility for the review, management and further
development of IFLA programmes
* Act as financial manager and obtain funding for IFLA activities
* Assist in decision-making by the Executive Board (EB)
* Take decisive action on the basis of EB authorization and guidelines
* Represent IFLA as necessary
* Report to the EB on action taken

It is the intention to fill the post at the earliest possible date in
1999. The level of the position will be comparable to that of a
university librarian in the Netherlands. Salary range (before taxes):
NLG 9,000 - 12,000 per month, depending on qualifications and
The Netherlands' tax authorities offer substantial benefits for

The post is full-time and initially the appointment will be made on a
five-year contract, which may be renewed.
The post is located at IFLA HQ at the Royal Library in The Hague,
Netherlands. Further information may be obtained from the present IFLA
SG, Leo Voogt, or the IFLA Treasurer, Derek Law (tel: +44 (0) 141 548
4619, fax: +44 (0) 141 552 3304,
e-mail: d.law@strath.ac.uk).

Applications in writing must include a comprehensive curriculum vitae
with a photograph of the candidate, a 250-word statement on the
candidate's views on IFLA as an organization, and the names and
addresses of 3 professional referees or reference statements. The letter
should include the possible date when candidates would be available to
take up the appointment.

Applications should reach the following address, in a sealed cover
"Confidential" by November 27, 1998, at the latest:

Ms. Christine Deschamps, President of IFLA
IFLA Headquarters
PO Box 95312
2509 CH The Hague
The Netherlands

All applications will be treated in strictest confidence. Shortlisted
candidates will be notified about interviews at the beginning of
December. The interviews are expected to take place in the weekend of
12/13 December. The IFLA Executive Committee is also very interested in
receiving names of possible candidates. Confidential suggestions can be
forwarded to the IFLA Treasurer, Mr. Derek Law (see address particulars

A more extensive profile of the position is available on request and
will be posted on IFLANET (www.ifla.org).

[Version frangais voire ci-dessous]

Cher Collhgues,

C'est avec grand regret que j'ai l'honneur de vous informer que notre
iminent Secritaire Giniral, Monsieur Leo Voogt, vient d'annoncer sa
dimission ` dater du 1er Janvier 1999. Leo a accepti la proposition du
poste de Directeur Giniral de l'Association Royale pour le Livre des
Pays-Bas. Certes, il nous manquera inormiment, mais nous pouvons bien
comprendre son disir de passer un peu plus de temps chez lui avec sa
famille et ses amis aprhs 6 annies tellement occupies.

Leo Voogt avait pris son poste en 1992, et sous sa direction, l'IFLA a
continui ` se divelopper comme l'organisation mondiale reprisentant les
bibliothhques et la bibliothiconomie. Vous serez certainement d'accord
avec moi pour considirer que durant cette piriode l'IFLA a su donner une
nouvelle image de soi et jouer un plus grand rtle international, et
notamment grbce ` une prisence plus largement diffusie de manihre

Leo Voogt et moi-mjme avons bien travailli ensemble en tant que
Secritaire-Giniral et Prisidente, et de manihre trhs agriable. Je lui
suis reconnaissante pour le soutien qu'il m'a apporti,
professionnellement et personnellement, durant ma premihre annie de
Prisidence, et je me rappellerai toujours avec grand plaisir le travail
en commun accompli sur les politiques de l'IFLA. Nous avons travailli
ensemble itroitement depuis la Confirence de Copenhague, et je suis s{re
que son dipart de l'IFLA ne signifie pas la fin de notre amitii.

Le Bureau Exicutif de l'IFLA offrira ` Leo une riception ` la Haye le 3
Dicembre aprhs-midi durant notre riunion de Bureau Exicutif (1er au 3
Dicembre). Naturellement, il sera impossible ` beaucoup d'entre vous d'y
assister. Mais, si vous voulez envoyer un message, ou s'il vous est
possible d'y assister pour des raisons de proximiti, veuillez contacter
Sophie Felfvlfi au Secritariat de l'IFLA (fax: +31-70-3834827 ou adresse
ilectronique: sophie.felfoldi@ifla.org).

Vous pouvez jtre s{r que le Comiti Exicutif de l'IFLA a fait le
nicessaire pour commencer immidiatement ` chercher les candidats les
plus qualifiis pour devenir son successeur. Nous sommes particulihrement
attentifs ` une recherche la plus large possible. Nous souhaitons pour
notre candidat de fortes qualitis professionnelles et un intirjt
international reconnu. Les personnes douies de ces qualitis sont dij`
bien souvent dans des postes intiressants et peuvent hisiter ` changer.
C'est pourquoi nous vous serions particulihrement reconnaissants de bien
vouloir nous adresser des propositions de nominations de candidats que
le Comiti Exicutif irait contacter. L'IFLA est votre organisation, et
nous avons besoin de vos conseils pour nous aider ` faire le bon choix.
Les propositions de nomination pourront jtre adressies au Trisorier de
l'IFLA (til. +44-(0)141-548 4619, fax +44-(0)141-552 3304, e-mail:

Le Secritaire Giniral de L'IFLA est un poste ` temps plein, basi ` La
Haye. Vous trouverez ci-joint une description des qualifications
nicessaires, ainsi que des principales responsabilitis. Celle-ci sera
diffusie sur IFLA-L et sur IFLANET. Toutes nos Associations membres vont
recevoir une copie de l'annonce du poste, et nous espirons que vous
voudrez bien l'inclure dans vos Journaux/Bulletins.

Le Bureau Exicutif de l'IFLA est ditermini ` nommer une personne
dynamique, qui continuera ` divelopper le professionnalisme et
l'internationalisation de l'IFLA. Nous espirons que vous pourrez nous
assister dans ce processus.
Le candidatures doivent comprendre un curriculum vitae ditailli, et
doivent m'jtre adressies au Secritariat de l'IFLA pour le 27 Novembre
1998 dernier dilai.

Dans l'attente de vous lire, veuillez recevoir mes meilleurs sentiments.

Christine Deschamps




Monsieur Leo Voogt, lactuel Secritaire Giniral de lIFLA, itant appeli
` dautres fonctions, a donni sa dimission ` dater du 1er janvier 1999.
Le Bureau Exicutif de lIFLA sollicite donc des candidatures ou des
propositions de candidats pour ce poste.

Qualitis essentielles

* Niveau universitaire et professionnel ilevi.
* Qualitis de gestionnaire, ayant dij` assumi des responsabilitis de
haut niveau, dans le domaine des bibliothhques ou dans un domaine
* Bonnes qualitis de communication interne et externe, et sensibiliti `
des cultures diffirentes.
* Capacitis de risistance au stress.
* Mantrise parfaite de langlais, bonnes connaissances en frangais, et
des notions despagnol, russe et/ou allemand.
* Bonne santi, prjt ` voyager de manihre intensive.


* Diriger et coordonner les diverses activitis de lIFLA, y compris les
Bureaux de lIFLA (Secritariat de lIFLA, Bureaux Rigionaux, et autres
Bureaux des programmes spicifiques).
* Assumer la responsabiliti de la rialisation, de la gestion et de tous
les diveloppements futurs des programmes de lIFLA.
* Agir en tant que gestionnaire financier et trouver des financements
pour lIFLA.
* Assister le Bureau Exicutif dans ses prises de dicision.
* Prendre les dicisions qui simposent en accord avec le Bureau Exicutif
et ses recommandations.
* Reprisenter lIFLA en tant que de besoin.
* Rendre compte au Bureau Exicutif des actions menies pour lIFLA.

Le poste est libre dhs que possible en 1999. Le niveau de ce poste est
comparable ` celui dun bibliothicaire universitaire des Pays-Bas.
Lichelle du salaire (brut) est de 9.000 - 12.000 NLG par mois, selon la
qualification et lexpirience.
Les Services des Imptts sur le revenu nierlandais proposent des
riductions sensibles pour les itrangers (mjme de lUnion Europienne).
Le poste est ` temps plein et le recrutement se fera sur la base dun
contrat initial de 5 ans, renouvelable.
Le poste est situi au Secritariat de lIFLA ` La Haye, Pays-Bas. Pour de
plus amples informations, contacter le Secritaire Giniral actuel,
Monsieur Leo Voogt, ou le Trisorier de lIFLA, Monsieur Derek Law (til.
: +44 (0) 141 548 4619, Fax : +44 (0) 141 552 3304, e-mail :
Les candidatures doivent comprendre un curriculum vitae ditailli, une
photographie du candidat, une diclaration de 250 mots sur les idies du
candidat sur lIFLA en tant quorganisation, et les noms et adresses de
3 personnes cities comme rifirences, ou 3 lettres de rifirence. Les
candidats doivent mentionner la date prisumie de disponibiliti pour
prendre le poste.

Les candidatures doivent parvenir ` ladresse suivante, sous pli fermi,
portant la mention
+ Confidentiel ; pour le 27 Novembre 1998, dernier dilai :

Mme Christine Deschamps, Prisidente de lIFLA
IFLA Headquarters
PO Box 95312
2509 CH La Haye

Toutes les candidatures seront traities de manihre confidentielle. Les
candidats retenus dans une premihre silection recevront dibut Dicembre
les informations sur les entrevues dembauche qui sont privues pour le
week-end du 12 et 13 Dicembre 1998.
Le Comiti Exicutif de lIFLA souhaite igalement recevoir des
propositions de candidats. Des suggestions confidentielles peuvent jtre
adressies au Trisorier de lIFLA, Monsieur Derek Law (adresse dij`
mentionnie ci-dessus).

Un profil plus complet du poste sera fourni sur demande, et parantra sur
IFLANET (www.ifla.org).

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