European Employers call for a balanced draft Copyright Directive

Subject: European Employers call for a balanced draft Copyright Directive
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 14 heinä  1998 - 19:06:11 EEST

(Agence Europe Saturday 11 July 1998)

Dear list members,

European employers have joined the controversial debate on the draft
Copyright Directive. UNICE, the Union of Industrial and Employers'
Conferderations of Europe, considers the proposed Directive a first step
in the right direction, but is concerned about the effects of the
Directive on equipment manufacturers, telecommunication service
providers and users.

UNICE concerns are in the area of liability, levies on blank
reproduction media and recordings materials and the provisions for
technical measures in Art. 6 of the draft Directive.

Given the considerable uncertainty about liability for violations of
copyright and other infringements committed in the context of electronic
commerce, UNICE states that any Directive should avoid imposing undue
burdens on intermediaries and service providers. These companies must be
ensured that their responsibility will not be engaged unless they are
responsible for copyright infringement in the strict sense.

UNICE considers that levies are not the best means of addressing the
issue of copying for private use in a digital environment. Technical
mechanisms should provide appropriate remuneration for rightholders.

technical measures
UNICE calls for clarification of Art. 6 of the draft Directive. The
proposed Directive's article on this subject is of utmost importance for
equipement manufacturers and telecommunications service providers. UNICE
favours the principle of restrictions on equipment designed or adapted
to neutralise protection systems set in place by rightholders, but calls
for general purpose devices to escape liability pursuant to this

UNICE also stesses the importance of the international context. The
Directive under discussion is aimed, inter alia, at implementing the
recent WIPO Treaties and UNICE urges the EU to cooperate very closely
with its trading partners.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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