Subject: IMPRIMATUR workshop at IFLA
From: Pauline Connolly ( )
Date: to 09 heinä 1998 - 12:20:04 EEST
IMPRIMATUR Discussion workshop
to be held at IFLA `98 Amsterdam
Monday 17 August 1998
9.00 am, Session 85
Do intelligent agents read copyright notices?
As the electronic era becomes a reality libraries will inevitably have
to make changes in the services they provide and in the way they
think. This discussion workshop is one of a series of meetings which
take a look at possible future scenarii, to identify the challenges
that libraries are likely to face, and to discuss how best to cope
with the change. The series of meetings aims to bring together
participants from all areas of library and information provision, from
librarians to publishers, from rights holders to information brokers.
The IMPRIMATUR Project is funded under the ESPRIT Programme of the
European Commission. The Project aims to build a mutual understanding
of the problems which arise at the interface between IT,
telecommunication and intellectual property rights; it aims to
identify and develop a set of tools to address these problems in the
business, technological, standards and legal areas. The Discussion
Workshop to be held at IFLA `98 is part of that process, allowing the
debate to be opened up, and will give librarians, publishers,
information professionals and anyone concerned with information
provision a chance actively to participate in this consensus building
process and to ensure that the views of all players are made known to
other members of the information industry worldwide.
In order to set the scene, one or two short papers will be presented,
and the ensuing discussion will be centred around the use of
intelligent agents in libraries, and the copyright issues which arise
as a result. All participants are invited to join in the discussion,
which it is hoped will be enthusiastic and wide-ranging.
To reserve a place please contact Pauline Connolly, email, fax +44 1937 546478. There will also be
places available on the day on a first come first served basis.
Further information about the IMPRIMATUR project can be found on the
web site:
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