Subject: Record industry demands greater security against piracy
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 14 heinä 1998 - 19:19:39 EEST
(Agence Europe Saturday 11 July 1998)
Dear list members,
The record industry is calling for clearer rules on copyright to
contribute to combatting piracy and to prevent its spreading to the
Internet. IFPI, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry,
has expressed its dissatisfaction with the provisons of the draft
Copyright Directive.
"This Directive has to provide the legal base allowing for the
development of our industry, and that in part consists in stepping up
measures against piracy. New Internet sites place music at everyone's
disposal without any authorisation or remuneration", said Nic Garnett,
IFPI Director-General.
IFPI calls on the European Parliament for clearer provisions to meet the
shortcomings regarding the scope of the rights on digital transmissions,
technical measures used for the management and protection of rights,
private copying and temporary copying.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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