Subject: EBLIDA/ECUP/STM Joint Statement on Digital Archiving in preparation
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 01 kesä 1998 - 20:04:15 EEST
Dear list members,
EBLIDA, ECUP and STM are in the process of preparing a Joint Statement
on Digital Archiving of Non-Current Printed STM Journals. Since 10
December 1997, five representatives of each, the publishing world and
libraries met several times on an informal basis. The purpose of the
meetings is to continue the discussion as it was left after the ECUP SG
meeting with rightowners representatives of 24 September 1996 in London.
The point of departure is to discuss the issues on which publishers and
libraries can co-operate rather than the ones that divide them.
Digitisation/retro-digitisation was selected as the first issue for
discussion. The result of these discussions is the above mentioned joint
statement that pending ratification on both sides will be made public
later this year. The anticipated joint statement can be seen as an
initial step to further co-operation/discussions on legal issues on
rights and limitations/exceptions and on enabling technology in the
digital environment. Background information on this initiative can be
found on the ECUP web site under ECUP-news
( or in the EBLIDA Hot News of
December 1997 (
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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