The Future for Libraries in the Electronic Age

Subject: The Future for Libraries in the Electronic Age
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: pe 08 touko  1998 - 10:34:47 EEST

Apologies for cross posting:

IMPRIMATUR Special Interest Group Meeting

to be held at the Library + Information Show, NEC, Birmingham

Tuesday 2 June 1998

in the Hospitality Suite, 2 - 4pm


As the electronic era becomes a reality libraries will inevitably have
to undergo radical changes in the way they act, the services they
provide and in the way they think. The purpose of the IMPRIMATUR
Special Interest Group meeting is to consider possible scenarii of the
future, to identify the challenges that libraries are likely to face,
and to discuss how best to cope with the change.

The IMPRIMATUR Project is funded under the ESPRIT Programme of the
European Commission. The aim of the project is `to agree, within a
forum representing the widest range of information industry
organisations, a swift and practical response based on a mutual
understanding of the problems arising at the interface between IT,
telecommunication and IPRs: and to identify and develop a set of tools
to address those problems in the business, technological, standards and
legal areas.' The SIG to be held at the Library + Information Show
gives librarians a chance actively to participate in this consensus
building process and to ensure that their views are made known to other
actors in the information industry.

To reserve a place please contact Pauline Connolly, email, fax +44 1937 546478. An outline of the scenario
to be discussed will be sent to you with confirmation of your

There will also be places available on the day on a first come first
served basis.

Further information about the IMPRIMATUR project can be found on the
web site:

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