(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
From: Edward Barrow (edward@plato32.demon.co.uk)
Date: pe 08 touko  1998 - 22:59:58 EEST

elib <lis-elib@mailbase.ac.uk>
Subject: Model licences for public libraries
Sender: owner-ecup-list
Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: ecup-list@kaapeli.fi

The following press release should be of interest:(with apologies for


A Working Group set up by the Publishers' Association (PA) and The
Library Association (LA) is making good progress on forging an agreement
for model licences to enable public libraries to make available
electronic publications in a networked environment. The Authors'
Licensing and Collecting Society, the Copyright Licensing Agency, the
Society of Authors, the Library & Information Commission, the Society of
Chief Librarians, the Standing Conference of National and University
Libraries and the Local Government Association are all represented on
the Group, together with the PA and the LA. The move was prompted by
the recommendations to the government in the Library & Information
Commission Report "New Library; the People's Network" that all public
libraries in the UK should be networked. The government has now
responded positively to those proposals which gives added impetus to the
work. The group is building on the experience gained in libraries in
the Higher Education sector. It aims to achieve agreement on a set of
model licences by mid-1998. The Group is Co-chaired by Clive Bradley,
former Chief Executive of the PA, and Ross Shimmon, Chief Executive of
the LA.

The full membership of the Group is:

Edward Barrow (Copyright Licensing Agency) secretary to the Group
Clive Bradley (Publishers' Association) Co-chair
Charles Clark (Publishers' Association/Copyright Licensing Agency)
Steve Hall (Publishers' Association/ MD Chadwyck Healy)
Denis Heathcote (Standing Conference of National and University
Mike Hosking (Society of Chief Librarians)
Bill McNaught (Library & Information Commission)
Sandy Norman (The Library Association)
Kate Pool (Society of Authors)
Ross Shimmon (The Library Association) Co-chair
Emma Westcott (Local Government Association)
Chris Zielinski (Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society)

Further information from Ross Shimmon or

Edward Barrow (edward@cla.co.uk or edward@plato32.demon.co.uk)
tel:+44(171)436 5931 ext 138/fax +44(171)436 3986

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