EUR-Lex, new online service

Subject: EUR-Lex, new online service
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 11 touko  1998 - 18:45:08 EEST

(posted to lis-uknfp)

The European Commission, on behalf of all the Union institutions, has
just launched EUR-Lex, an online service on the Europa server.
Initially, EUR-Lex will provide free public access to issues of
the Official Journal of the European Communities (both L and C series)
published in the last 20 days, the Treaties, consolidated versions of
existing legislation and recent judgments by the Court of Justice in the
11 official languages. In a second phase, to be completed by the summer,
EUR-Lex will offer access to all legislation in force. By the end of
users will also have online access to new draft legislation presented by
the Commission to Parliament and the Council, plus other documents
accompanying the legislative process.
>From Telematics for Libraries News page, accessed 11 May 1998. URL:
Rosalind Johnson
UK National Focal Point (Telematics for Libraries) Library and
Information Commission
2 Sheraton Street
London W1V 4BH

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