Subject: WTO Think Thank on IPR and Economic Development
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 14 huhti 1998 - 21:15:42 EEST
(posted to E-carm)
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April 27 to May 15, 1998
On behalf of the TechNet Program of the World Bank and the joint website
team of the World Banks Economic Development Institute (EDI) and the
World Trade Organization (WTO), we would like to invite you to subscribe
to the TechNet-EDI-WTO Think Tank electronic discussion on Intellectual
Property Rights and Economic Development from April 27 to May 15, 1998.
The Think Tank is an Internet-moderated conference discussion that is
conducted entirely through electronic mail.
The Think Tank will discuss the role of intellectual property protection
(IPRs) in economic development. Specifically, it will explore to what
degree IPRs are, if at all, relevant for low income countries, compare
the relevance of IPRs across different sectors, and review recent trends
from developed and developing countries in this regard. The discussion
would then focus on the impact of IPRs on international trade and
investment flows and their interaction, and how different IPRs
instruments influence the diffusion of knowledge within and across
countries. Finally, the Think Tank would address the issue of IPRs
reform, particularly, how to design an optimal IPRs regime given
developing countries' commitments under the WTO Agreement on Trade
Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
Experts from government, private sector, academia, NGOs, and
international organizations - including the World Bank and the World
Trade Organization - have been invited to discuss the topic for a period
of three weeks. The discussion will be broadcast only to subscribers,
but readers are encouraged to comment and to pose questions.
To participate in this event, you will need to subscribe by sending an
e-mail message in the following form:
Subject: (Leave Blank)
Text: sub IPRSTECH FirstName LastName
(Give your own FirstName and LastName)
After you subscribe, you will receive by e-mail a welcome letter with
conference details from Volunteers in Technical Assistance, the
conference manager.
We look forward to your participation in the TechNet-EDI-WTO Think Tank
on Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development!
Yours Sincerely,
Carlos A. Primo Braga
infoDev and TechNet
The World Bank
Bernard Hoekman
Economic Development Institute
The World Bank
Jean-Guy Carrier
Department of Information
World Trade Organization
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