Re: Future position of libraries towards copyright 2

Subject: Re: Future position of libraries towards copyright 2
From: Edward Barrow (
Date: pe 09 tammi  1998 - 00:31:56 EET

Martijn - your questions just raise more questions!
Will there be librarians or publishers in the digital future?
Should the public sector continue to finance free or low-cost access to
If so, is the public library model the right one?

And, as well as publishers, remember that authors depend on copyright to
live. After all, copyright starts out as an author's right.


> Dear list members,
> A few weeks ago I posted a message on this list wich contained a few
> questions about 'the future position of libraries towards copyright'.
> I recieved a few messages wich helped me in the right direction.
> But I still have a few questions left.
> 'The future position of libaries towards copyright'
> These days there is a lot said and written about this topic. With the
> coming of Internet, online databases and CD-ROM's the whole idea of
> libraries being a provider of (free) information is changing. The
> copyright problems are a big issue these day, and so it did raise a
> few questions to me.
> Some of the questions I would like an answer to are:
> * What is the current position of libraries towards copyright?
> This goes for Holland, but also for other country's.
> * What kind of influence do new technologies like Internet, online
> databases and CD-ROM's have on libraries and it's copyright
> position?
> * Do libraries and publishers need to work closer together in the
> near future? or will they become each other enemy's?
> * What will the future hold for libraries and their position towards
> copyright?
> What I am looking for are personal thoughts ans answers on these
> questions from people how work as librarians, publishers and so on.
> Any one with an opion on these matters is welcome!
> It would be great help to read your comment or suggestions on these
> questions.
> Forgive me for any mistakes in the spelling, as English isn't my
> native language.
> You can mail me directly or through this list.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Martijn de Blaauw
> Student Library and Information Science
> Faculty of Economics & Information
> Hogeschool van Amsterdam
> E-Mail:

Edward Barrow's Unofficial Internet Copyright Pages
"We must take care to guard against two extremes equally prejudicial; the

one, that men (and women) of ability, who have employed their time for the service of their community, may not be deprived of their just merits, and

the reward of their ingenuity and labour; the other, that the world may not be deprived of improvements, nor the progress of the arts be retarded" - per Mansfield LJ in Sayre v. Moore, 1785.

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