Re: Future position of libraries towards copyright 2

Subject: Re: Future position of libraries towards copyright 2
From: Angelique Mattioli ou Marianne Heimann (
Date: ke 14 tammi  1998 - 16:49:49 EET

Martijn - your questions just raise more questions!
>Will there be librarians or publishers in the digital future?

Librarians, yes. Publishers, less. Printers, no more...

>Should the public sector continue to finance free or low-cost access to

Of course, it is paid that for.

>If so, is the public library model the right one?

It's the only model !!!

>And, as well as publishers, remember that authors depend on copyright to
>live. After all, copyright starts out as an author's right.

In medical literature, authors HAVE TO transfer their copyright to publishers.
It starts as an author right but the money gets to "perception societies" and

Angélique Mattioli,
Librarian, Poet & Writer.
Institut de Pathologie et de Génétique asbl,
allée des Templiers, 41, B - 6280 LOVERVAL
+32(0) Fax : +32(0)

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