Re: Draft Directive does not succeed in satisfying different

Subject: Re: Draft Directive does not succeed in satisfying different
From: John Crosby (
Date: pe 12 joulu  1997 - 18:17:34 EET

Sender: owner-ecup-list
Precedence: bulk

I think it is time for the library community, in conjunction with others,
to offer an alternative to the new directive. Sure, it may not go
very far. But it will, at the very least, give definition to our goals in
this debate.

Here in the U.S., we have succeeded in having legislation
introduced that represents the balanced nature of copyright that
has existed for many years. Visit the Digital Future Coalition's web
site to get an idea of our proposal:

John Crosby
Director, Government Relations
Special Libraries Association
1700 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20009-2514
202-234-4700, x629

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