Commission responds to lobbyists' criticisms

Subject: Commission responds to lobbyists' criticisms
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 12 joulu  1997 - 19:38:03 EET

Dear list members,

Agence Europe of 11 December 1997 included the following response of the
European Commission towards the criticisms received on the draft
Copyright Directive:

"With regard to the technical measures meant to protect intellectual
property, the Commission has come up with a much more detailed mechanism
than that established at international level by WIPO. I strongly
challenge the idea that Article 6 (of the directive) is of no use, and I
am of the opinion that it reflects a balanced approach, said one

"The Commission has had to seek a balance between the protection granted
to rightholders and the many exceptions. We must be very careful not to
run the risk of destroying markets. In granting exceptions, the Member
States would have to respect very specific conditions. As far as
libraries are concerned, a licensing system already applies allowing
them to have access to material protected by copyright and that system
seems to be working well".

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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