Subject: (no subject)
From: Mikael Book (
Date: ma 27 loka 1997 - 21:20:10 EET
Michael S. Hart (founder of the Gutenberg-project, which produces
electronic texts of fine literature and disseminates them over the
internet) has sent information about two bills, which have recently been
introduced in the American Congress.
The first (hr 2589) is a revision to the copyright law that would extend
all copyrights now in force for an additional 20 years. See for rich documentation.
The second bill (hr 2652) concerns databases. This would remove material
already belonging to the public domain from the public domain. See
What are the (international?) consequences if these bills are passed? What
are the chances that the American Congress will approve them? How can we
contribute to the resistance against them? Hope to hear more about all
this from ecup-list members.
- Mika
Mikael Book * Katto-Meny * Tallbergink 1/39 * FIN-00180 Helsinki * Phone +358-9-6947730 * Fax +358-9-27090369
gsm 040 5511 324
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