Subject: Re: LIBER Conference
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ke 09 heinä 1997 - 17:12:54 EEST
Dear Fred,
Thanks a lot for your detailed and informative report on the LIBER
pre-conference session on copyright.
I would like to refer to your final point:
>What we should be doing in Europe is lobbying Members of the
>European Parliament and our own national parliaments to ensure that fair
>dealing and library privileges are incorporated without any ambiguity in any
>future legislation. I believe that we should also be doing more of what our
>American colleagues have been doing in raising awareness in the academic
>community of the importance of copyright changes to scholarly communication.
EBLIDA, as the European lobby organisation for librarians and information
professionals, has established vital links within all European institutions
and also ensures that all national member associations and individual
libraries receive constant updating on what is going on, and who is who, to
better co-ordinate national and European lobby activities (in both
You might know that EBLIDA organised in co-operation with the Norwegian
Library Association in November last year a copyright conference and
strategy meeting for its members to discuss a common position and best
lobby strategies on European and national level for the coming WIPO
conference. It was an important step in raising awareness and stimulated a
lot of European and especially national activities which added to a
succesful outcome of the WIPO conference.
EBLIDA is organising in co-operation with the Danish Library Association
another Copyright Conference on 6-7 November which is open to all
interested librarians to inform in detail about the new EU Directive and
what it will really mean for us and will also debate related issues. The
second day is a closed event for EBLIDA members only to discuss a common
lobby strategy on European and national level. I send more details on the
conference in a separate mailing to this list. You will see from the
programme that, as ECUP is a concerted action co-ordinated by EBLIDA - all
member associations form the User Platform - and managed and directed by
Emanuella Giavarra, the ECUP position and achievements so far will play a
prominent role in that.
In the meantime we are in regular contact with the European Commission,
especially with Joerg Reinbothe as the main copyright figure and also with
his colleagues, with members of the European Parliament to keep them alert
of library issues, and now especially with Roberto Barzanti, who is writing
the EP copyright report, with the national representatives of the Council
of Minsters and others. We are very interested in joining forces with
related organisations as e.g. the Consumer or Educational and Science
Communities and are establishing contacts.
I'd like to strongly endorse your point about the importance of raising
awareness especially among the academic community. It is so important that
people start to realize what is going on. Do you see any scope for
co-operation on this issue?
Barbara Schleihagen
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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