Subject: WIPO Treaties: News from Washington
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 06 kesä 1997 - 16:17:15 EEST
Dear list members,
I found the following message on the Web-site of the Association of
American Publishers (AAP) at under
"What's New, May 1997".
Best wishes,
Emanuella Giavarra
Administration Readying WIPO Treaty Legislation
Draft legislation to implement the two international copyright
conventions adopted by WIPO last winter (Monthly Report, January, 97) is
working its way through the Commerce Department in the first stages of a
clearance process that will also involve the State Department and the
Office of Management and Budget. At the conclusion of the process, which
is expected to last another 3-4 weeks, the Administration will send its
proposed treaty ratification and implementation package to Capitol Hill.
The draft contains language negotiated by the copyright industries and
the computer hardware and software communities to prohibit circumvention
of copyright protection technologies. After meeting with AAP and other
copyright industry representatives, the Commissioner of Patents and
Trademarks agreed to send the proposed anti-circumvention language into
the review process without adding a "fair use" exception sought by a
coalition of consumer electronics manufacturers and library and
education groups.
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