FW: Developments in fair use

Subject: FW: Developments in fair use
From: Norman, Sandy (NormanS@la-hq.org.uk)
Date: to 12 kesä   1997 - 13:26:44 EEST

This was forwarded to me. Apologies for cross-posting.

Sandy Norman
Information Manager (Legal and Parliamentary)
Information Services
The Library Association
7 Ridgmount Street
London WC1E 7AE
Tel: 0171 636 7543 Fax: 0171: 436 7218
Email: sandy@la-hq.org.uk

From: tony@ningaui.anu.edu.au[SMTP:tony@ningaui.anu.edu.au]
Sent: 12 June 1997 02:00
To: lis-elib@mailbase.ac.uk
Subject: Developments in fair use


Fourteen scholarly and educational groups, including the American Council on
Education, the American Library Association and the National Humanities
Alliance, have issued a statement formally announcing their opposition to
the proposals recently developed by the Conference on Fair Use. The
Conference adjourned in May for at least a year, with participants
acknowledging the lack of consensus among the academic organizations,
publishers, software developers, and music and video producers that took
part. The dissenting groups pledged their efforts to ensure that fair use
rights would continue to apply to educational and scholarly uses of
copyrighted material on computer networks and in other digital formats.
(Chronicle of Higher Education 13 Jun 97)


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Visiting Fellow, Department of Computer Science, FEIT
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