Subject: Survey of Document Delivery Services 1996
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 06 kesä 1997 - 12:57:20 EEST
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Kind regard,
Emanuella Giavarra
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FROM: ASIDIC -- Association of Information Dissemination Centers
RE: Study on Document Delivery
Doc Del '96
*The ASIDIC Survey of Document Delivery Services 1996*
* Essential reading for document delivery and interlibrary loan
and library administrators
* Important reading for primary publishers, secondary database
and others interested in the impact and effect of Document Delivery in
today's information world
Produced by ASIDIC (the Association of Information Dissemination
Centers), the survey covers approximately 8000 document requests from
academic,public and corporate libraries in the U.S., Canada, Israel,
Australia, and New Zealand. The report provides important information on
pricing and turnaround from major document suppliers around the world.
In addition, the report analyzes document delivery profiles by
institution type, library resource allocation to DocDel/ILL, copyright
compliance, and other industry-critical issues.
A parallel report covering document delivery in Europe is also
The report, produced by EUSIDIC/EUROLOG, covers 7750 document orders
16 countries to 190 suppliers in Europe.
ASIDIC Report on Document Delivery in North America and Beyond $255 per
EUSIDIC Report on Document Delivery in Europe $255 per
Special Price for both the North American and European Reports $450 per
set(a $60 savings)
ASIDIC/EUSIDIC members pay $160 for a single report or $300 for both.
To order, please complete this form and mail or fax it to:
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