Subject: ECMS Conference - 2nd announcement
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: to 05 kesä 1997 - 13:13:19 EEST
Apologies for cross posting
An International Electronic Copyright Management Systems Conference. City
Conference Centre, London. 13-14 November 1997
The Conference is being organised by the COPEARMS (Co-Ordinating Project
for Electronic Authors' Rights Management Systems) Consortium. The
conference will examine different issues surrounding the adoption of ECMS
Systems. These include notions of trust and privacy, user requirements,
different methods of protection and ECMS adoption patterns. The concept of
interoperability will be a theme throughout the conference. Discussions
will examine why interoperability is desirable and trying to determine the
required level of interoperability and how this can be achieved without
compromising security.
The first day of the conference presentations from international experts
will include introductions to the main issues and a look at some of the
solutions both in and outside Europe. On the second day delegates will get
the opportunity to attend a workshop, to discuss specific subjects in more
Draft Agenda:
Keynote Speaker - Dominique Gonthier, DG XIII COPEARMS Project - Dominique
Spaey, Bureau Van Dijk
ECMS Interoperability, the Political Approach - Chris Barlas, ALCS ECMS
Interoperability Requirements- Richard Carr, Level-7
Trust and the Trusted Third Party in ECMS -Charles Oppenheim, De Montfort
ECMS Initiatives outsire Europe - Daniel Gervaise, Prof. Kitagawa (Japan),
Michael J. Perkins (Australia)
ECMS Security - Gerard Eizenberg, CERT
Deploying CITED Technology - Jean-Francois Boisson - EURITIS
Panel Discussion
Workshop Topics:
User Group Requirements
The Role of Standards in ECMS Technology Trusting the Content Technical
System for IPR management on the Web
The two days, including lunch and refreshments, costs 250 pounds for
commercial organisations and 125 pounds for academic institutions. For
further details please contact Judy Watkins, IFLA Office, c/o The British
Library, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ UK. Fax +44 1937
546478 email
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