Copyright in Germany

Subject: Copyright in Germany
From: Helmut Roesner (
Date: ti 29 huhti  1997 - 12:12:34 EEST

Dear list members,
An information about the recent edevelopment in Germany, which might
be of interest for experts in the matter of copyright:

Since December 1996 there has been a draft of a new law called
"Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste-Gesetz" (IuKDG). In addition
to matters as the digital signature, youth protection and data
protection there is in Chapter 7 an amendment of the Urheberrecht
(authors' right) in order to implement the EC directive on protection
of databases. The new IuKDG shall be enforced by 1 August 1997.
The commission for library law (Rechtskommission) of the DBI has just
completed a memorandum on behalf of the Federal Association of German
Libraries Associations (BDB). This publication - just in print, to be
available by 15 May 1997 - is entitled:
"Bibliotheken in der Informationsgesellschaft -
Urheberrecht kontra Informationsfreiheit?
Denkschrift der Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Bibliotheksverbaende".
ISBN: 3-87068-577-8.
In a few days it will also be available under:


Mit freundlichen Gruessen

Helmut Roesner
Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut
- Abt. Publikationen -
Alt-Moabit 101 A
D-10559 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 39 0 77-180
Fax: (030) 39 0 77-100

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