Subject: Copyright Issues in Libraries
From: Judy Watkins ( )
Date: pe 11 huhti 1997 - 14:18:13 EEST
*Copyright Issues in Libraries: Global Concerns, Local Solutions*
Edited by Judy Watkins
The growing tide of information across national boundaries has meant
that copyright issues are of increasing global concern. International
conventions provide a framework in which legislators operate. National
legislation provides different answers to the questions.
During August 1996 The International Federation of Library
Associations (IFLA) brought together copyright experts at the
pre-conference Seminar held in Tianjin and at the Conference Session
of the Section on Document Delivery and Interlending to discuss the
problems and how to deal with them. The papers cover general copyright
issues in both electronic and paper based environments, approaching
the topic from the points of view of libraries, users, collecting
agencies and publishers. There are also papers covering national
systems in developed and developing countries as well as discussion of
international initiates such as ECUP (European Copyright Users
Platform). The IFLA Position Paper on Copyright in the Electronic
Environment is reproduced and discussed in this volume.
ISBN 0 7123 2150 0 PRICE 5.00 pounds sterling
*Charging for Document Delivery and Interlending*
Papers from the IFLA Workshop on Charging, held during the 62nd IFLA
General Conference, 29 August 1996, Beijing.
Edited by Sara Gould
Whether to charge or not to charge for document delivery and
interlending has been a crucial topic for discussion for many years,
and this publication brings together a number of useful and
enlightening papers on this difficult issue. The one-day Workshop was
organised by the IFLA Section on Document Delivery and Interlending as
part of the 62nd IFLA General Conference. Authors are divided as to
whether charges should be applied to ILL transactions or not, and the
papers also include a historical look at the introduction of charging,
and a possible solution to some of the problems which seem to be
inevitable when charges are introduced. A useful book for those with
an interest in the debate over "free or fee".
ISBN 0 7123 2151 9 PRICE 5.00 pounds sterling
To place an order please complete and send to:
IFLA Offices for UAP and International Lending
c/o The British Library
Boston Spa, Wetherby
West Yorkshire
LS23 7BQ
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1937 546254
Fax: +44 (0)1937 546478
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