Subject: Copyright and the Struggle for Fair Use
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 02 huhti 1997 - 12:53:05 EEST
Dear list members,
I found this interesting conference on the US Liblicense discussion list.
Maybe somebody is able to go there and report to the ecup-list on the
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
Rick Uttich wrote:
The Library Association of the City University of New York
Access and Excellence:
Copyright and the Struggle for Fair Use
Friday, May 16, 1997
9:00am - 5:00pm
Baruch College
Newman Library
7th Floor Conference Center
151 East 25th Street
New York, NY 10010
LACUNY invites you to this year's exciting program on copyright and
the struggle for fair use. Listen to the experts who are deeply
engaged, at many levels, in the struggle to maintain fair use for
libraries and education institutions.
* Legislative action past, pending and future impacts our lives,
libraries and profession.
* What are fair use guidelines?
* What are the CONFU proceedings?
* How are electronic reserves, unpublished materials, special
collections and archives affected by fair use?
* What are our rights/options when we sign license agreements?
* Are you concerned about the transference of public domain
information to private interests?
* These and many other questions on copyright and the struggle
for fair use will be examined at this year's conference.
Registration: 8:15am - 9:00am
with coffee, tea, juice, patries and bagels
******** Morning Session ********
9:00am - 12:00pm
Adam Eisgrau
Legislative Counsel, The American Library Association
"Copyright and the Struggle for Fair Use"
Lisa Livingston
Director of Instructional Media, The City College / CUNY
"Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia"
Dr. Brian Nielsen
Manager, Learning Technologies Group,
Academic Technologies, Northwestern University
"Copyright, Fair Use and Electronic Reserves"
******** Afternoon Session ********
1:30pm - 5:00pm
Sara Cox
International Law Librarian
The University of Connecticut School of Law
"What are the CONFU proceedings?"
Jean Ashton
Director, Rare Books & Manuscripts Division
Columbia University Libraries
"Copyright & Fair Use in Special Collections"
Julia Gammon
Past President of NASIG
Head of Acquisitions, University of Akron
"What Are Our Rights/Options in License Agreements"
James Love
The Consumer Project on Technology
"Private and Public Domains of Information"
Summation: Prof. Shelley Warwick, Baruch College Library / CUNY
The fair use provisions of copyright law recognize the special
needs of libraries and educational institutions to make use of
copyrighted materials. The struggle to maintain the fair use
provisions of copyright law aims to maintain that balance between
rights holders and libraries and educational institutions that
promotes excellence in our creative endeavors.
LACUNY Members $20.00
Non-members $25.00
Registration at the door $30.00
(8:15am - 9:00am)
Make Checks Payable to LACUNY
Preregistration should be mailed to arrive
no later than Friday, May 9th
Mail To:
Richard Uttich
Cohen Library
The City College of New York
138th St. at Convent Ave.
New York, NY 10031
For any additional information contact:
Richard Uttich
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