Re: "Millennium time bomb"

Subject: Re: "Millennium time bomb"
From: Peter Knight (
Date: to 06 maalis 1997 - 13:49:46 EET

Dear Emanuella Giavarra
Please don't believe that personal computers will not be affected by the Millenium change - it is a highly complex problem relating to the chip fitted, software used, etc.
and can even affect such things like timeclocks, sell-by dates and the safe operation of aeroplanes. Don't forget it's not just your computers, but those of your suppliers as well that can cause difficulties.
Also, the UK bill mentioned by Mike Rogers has fallen by the wayside in the last few days - however the problem will still be here in less than 3 years, regardless of any legislation!

There is a website that may help, operated by the London law firm of Rowe & Maw,
which gives details of steps that need to be taken. Go to the site at

and click on "Information" on the left index bar, and there is a summary dated December 1996 under the "Legal Updates" category.

I hope this helps.

Best Wishes,

Peter Knight

Inventors World magazine


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