Subject: FW: Copyright Newsletter for Librarians
From: Norman, Sandy (
Date: ma 03 maalis 1997 - 19:32:45 EET
I apologize for setting this message out in a number of listservs however I
think it will of interest to you.
There's a new publication that may be of interest to subscribers to this
listserv. It's a print publication called The Copyright & New Media Law
Newsletter: For Librarians & Information Specialists.
Information on the newsletter states that it will deal with issues like
photocopying, fair dealing/fair use and all those digital concerns to us
-what is protected on the Internet
-who is liable/responsible for the use of copyright materials
-how exceptions and fair dealing/fair use apply to electronic media
-licensing digital information
-electronic inter-library loans
-research on the Internet (browsing, downloading and printing materials on
the Internet)
-the use of computer software, CD-ROMs and databases
-digitizing a library's collections
-the effect of the two new international copyright agreements on librarians
-changing copyright laws in countries around the world to deal with new media
and the Internet
-copyright policies in libraries.
It's published three times a year in print and there's a list serv as well to
inform subscribers of relevant issues between print versions. It promises to
be practical and informative.
Subscription prices are reasonable.
The editor is a copyright lawyer and author of a book on copyright law --
information on her is at
In addition to looking for subscribers, the newsletter is interested in
hearing from potential contributors.
Further information is available from Lesley Ellen Harris, Editor
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