Subject: Re: My right to link real audio sites to my Net-music-chart
From: Johan Söderlund ( )
Date: ma 03 maalis 1997 - 11:52:45 EET
Answering Peter C.M.M. Terporten
One of the replies on the "My right to link real audio sites to my
Net-music-chart"-mail was sent to me personally. It said: -You can't be
prosecuted for copyright infringement if you refer to this or that person
in your book. What the re-mail writer also said was that it must be the
policy for Internet publications.
Now answering to Peter C.M.M. Terportens mail. Why should it be any problem
if I made commercial advantage on my Web-music-chart if the real audio
links can be compared to books, and how sources are treated in printed
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