Re: Photographic Copyright in the EEA

Subject: Re: Photographic Copyright in the EEA
From: Morten Hein (
Date: ti 25 helmi  1997 - 13:02:39 EET

Simon Smith wrote:

 I have come across the case of an archive of photographs dating from the
 1930's and 40's, mostly of celebrities of the day.

I will mention that the new Danish act has a split view on photgraphs.

A simple photograph will have a 50 years protection

A fotograph considered as a work of art is protected untill 70 years
after the death of it photographer.

There is still no clear distiction of what 'a work of art' is in this
case. It is, however, an opinnion by many that any phograph taken by a
professional photographer will come under the 70 years rule. Some other
photographs of distinction could also qualify.

Still no court case has been made in this area.

Morten Hein

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