Subject: Booklet on Licensing Electronic Resources
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 27 helmi 1997 - 01:03:06 EET
Dear list members,
The following announcement was made on the US CNI copyright list.
February 21, 1997
ARL Announces....
ARL Publishes Booklet on Licensing Electronic Resources
The Association of Research Libraries announces the publication of
"Licensing Electronic Resources: Strategic and Practical Considerations
for Signing Electronic Information Delivery Agreements." Written by
Patricia Brennan, ARL Information Services Coordinator, Karen Hersey,
Intellectual Property Counsel at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
and Georgia Harper, Office of the General Counsel for the University of
Texas System, the booklet is designed to assist librarians in the
development of a process for reviewing and negotiating license
In the current information environment, providers are turning to
licenses to define and control the use of their products. As a result,
libraries and information resource centers must now manage the use of
their electronic resources according to the terms agreed to in a
license. The authors provide a general overview of the strategic and
practical questions that academic and research library license
negotiators should consider before entering into any formal agreement.
They also provide a checklist of the educational, library, and fair uses
permitted under copyright law and new conditions that may be introduced
by the terms of a license.
The 23 page booklet was published to assist academic and research
librarians become more effective license negotiators on behalf of their
institutions and users. The booklet promotes a team approach to license
review and is priced to encourage librarians to use it with members of
their campus communities involved in the review and negotiation process.
Order Form
"Licensing Electronic Resources: Strategic and Practical Considerations
for Signing Electronic Information Delivery Agreements"
23 pages pbk February 1997
Prices: individual copy - $10 each
2-5 copies - $8 each
6+ copies - $5 each
Payment Information
Orders must be prepaid; ARL members may be billed.
Make check or money order payable in U.S. funds to the
Association of Research Libraries
Federal ID #52-0784198-N.
Purchase order #
Credit card: MC Visa Exp. date:
Account #
Account holder:
Shipping & Handling
U.S. & Canada: included in price
International and Rush Orders: Call (202) 296-2296
or email <> for quote.
Total Price: $
Ship To
Address: (UPS will not deliver to P.O. boxes)
Prepaid orders should be sent to:
ARL Publications - Licensing
Department 0692
Washington, DC 20073-0692
Fax: 202-872-0884
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