Fair use and music

Subject: Fair use and music
From: Emanuella Giavarra (ecup.secr@dial.pipex.com)
Date: ke 05 helmi  1997 - 13:23:24 EET


I'm interested in the concept of "fair use" of copyright music
materials as it applies in the Netherlands; specifically concerning
the production of teaching materials for class or individual use.

Thankyou for any help you can give.


Kathy Adamson
Assistant librarian
Royal Academy of Music
Marylebone Road
London NW1 5HT
tel. + 44 171 873 7323
fax. + 44 171 873 7322

Dear Kathy,

The situation in the Netherlands is that every individual is allowed to
make a copy of a musical work for private use, research and
educational purposes. When a teacher wants to play his copy in the class
room the shool does not have to pay rights to the rights owners, because
an educational exemption applies.

If you want to produce teaching material making use of excisting musical
scores that you have to ask for permission and need a licence.

I hope this helps and answers your question. I would like to ask you
in return what the situation in the UK is in this respect.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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