From: Fytton Rowland ( )
Date: pe 10 tammi 1997 - 19:10:52 EET
New Models and Opportunities
14-16 April 1997 - The University of Kent at Canterbury
Advance Programme and Registration Form
The ICCC (International Computer Communications Council) in
conjunction with IFIP (International Federation for Information
Processing) is pleased to announce a new conference on Electronic
Publishing to be held at the University of Kent at Canterbury,
14-16 April 1997. The title of this year’s conference is
Electronic Publishing - New Models and Opportunities. There will
be two parallel streams: one on technical issues; and the other
on socio-economic issues. There will also be plenary sessions
for papers and discussions that cover the whole of electronic
A major underlying theme of the conference is the promotion of an
'exchange of experience' between the participants - especially
between academics researching in the area and publishers and
others with practical experience. All papers have been refereed
to ensure high quality.
We are particularly pleased to welcome our two invited speakers:
Professor David Brailsford, Department of Computer Science,
University of Nottingham, and Editor of the journal Electronic
Publishing; and Dr Andrew Odlyzko, AT&T Research Labs, and
author of Tragic Loss or Good Riddance - The Demise of
Traditional Scholarly Journals.
Professor Jack Meadows of Loughborough University, Chairman of
the Programme Committee, said of the conference "We intend that
this conference be a stimulating experience, with a great deal
of cross fertilisation of ideas. The combination of practical
experience and the latest discoveries of academic research will
undoubtedly lead to new models of academic and other publication
in the near future."
Further information is available at the conference's WWW site,
Advance programme
Monday 14 April
1400 Opening of conference: Dr Pramode Verma, President, ICCC
Plenary session with keynote speakers:
Professor David Brailsford, Department of Computer Science,
University of Nottingham, and Editor of the journal Electronic
Publishing; and Dr Andrew Odlyzko, Research Mathematician, AT&T
Research Labs, and author of Tragic Loss or Good Riddance? --
The Demise of Traditional Scholarly Journals
Track 1
1600 Approaches to electronic publishing (1)
Dr Miles Ellis -- The role of electronic and publishing in the
development of international standards
Lisa Freeman -- Lessons from the scholarly publishing arena --
why we still need publishers in the electronic age
Track 2
1600 Electronic journals -- technical factors
Dr Judith Wusteman -- The evolving use of SGML in electronic
Steve Hitchcock -- Linking everything to everything -- publishing
myth or reality?
Tuesday 15 April
Track 1
0900 Approaches to electronic publishing (2)
Dr J. Scott Bentley -- The Image Directory, electronic publishing,
and the changing socioeconomic position of art museums
Christine Dugdale -- Information spoon-feeding in an electronic
Track 2
0900 Electronic journals -- case studies
Professor Brian Whalley -- Developing a flexible structure for a
pure e-journal
Dr Jim Whitman -- A resource that contains a journal -- the first
two years of the Journal of Humanitarian Assistance
Geoffrey Elliott -- Breaking the barriers of resistance to
electronic journal entry -- experiences of BIToday
Track 1
1100 Electronic publishing and readers
Nathalie Pinede -- Electronic publishing -- avatar or metamorphosis
for information access of university publics
John Buschman -- The challenges of electronic publishing -- a
critical and skeptical review
Track 2
1100 Technical specification (1)
Jacco van Ossenbruggen -- Stylesheet support for structured
hypermedia documents
Jaime Delgado -- Using multimedia document communication
services on top of T-120 protocols
Track 1
1400 Virtual libraries
Taylor Fitchett -- The librarian's role in building the virtual
Arlene Moore Sievers -- The new virtual library and serials --
a kaleidoscope of options
Track 2
1400 Technical specification (2)
Anna Bruggemann-Klein -- Design by example -- a user-centered
approach for the specification of document layout
Michael Breu -- The MeDoc distributed electronic library --
accounting and security aspects
Track 1
1600 Electronic services
Paula Kingston -- Issues for libraries, publishers and
subscription agents posed by the development of an electronic
short loan collection of high demand journal articles in a
university library
Line Poullet -- A semantic model for information retrieval in
documents -- an experiment with patient medical records
Track 2
1600 Electronic monitoring
Daniel Manchalla -- An intelligent arbitrator associate (IAA) for
electronic commerce
Nathalie Minard -- CopySMART -- a trusted monitoring system for
electronic works and documents
Wednesday 16 April
Track 1
0900 Subscription agents
Albert Prior -- Electronic intermediation -- new challenges for
the subscription agent
Susan Hillson -- Roles in the new information age -- the evolution
of the superagent-library partnership
Carryl Allardyce -- Information management in the information age
Track 2
0900 Archives and electronic publishing
Agata Brusegan -- The VENetIan virtual archive project -- cultural
heritage and online publishing
Sylvie Calabretto -- Modelling a medieval manuscript database
with HyTime
1100 Final plenary session
Reviews of the two channels by Professor Jack Meadows and Fytton
Rowland, both of the Department of Information and Library Studies,
Loughborough University
University of Kent at Canterbury
Contact address:.....................................
Please book accommodation (please insert dates):
Arrival date ..... April 1996
Departure date ..... April 1996
Special dietary requirements:.......................
Other special needs.................................
We are hoping to organise a few social events; please indicate if
you would be interested (no commitment) -- delete as not applicable
A guided tour of Canterbury Cathedral Yes No
Visits further afield Yes No
We will send details later.
Please indicate if you expect to stay for lunch on the last day (16th):
Yes No Undecided
Conference fee 200 UK Pounds or 50 UK Pounds/half day
Accommodation 14 April 60 UK Pounds inc. all meals
Accommodation 15 April 60 UK Pounds inc. all meals
Daytime meals (Non-residential ONLY) 15 UK pounds/half day
TOTAL PAYMENT: ..............
On-campus accommodation cannot be guaranteed for bookings received after 15
The following cancellation charges will apply:
Cancellations received before 14 Feb 1997 - 10 UK pounds
Cancellations received between 14 Feb 1997 and 14 March 1997 - 45 UK pounds
Cancellations received after 14 March 1997 - 55 UK pounds
Method of payment -- delete as not applicable:
INVOICE my organisation (see below) or
PAID BY Cheque (enclosed, payable to PPL*) or
PAID BY Credit card (details below)
Please send Invoice to
Organisation: .....................................
Purchase Order No.:.....................
If possible please attach/include a copy of your official
Purchase Order
Credit card details
Card Visa / Mastercard / Amex
(delete as not applicable)
No. ______ ______ ______ ______
Expiry date ___ / ___
I authorise you to charge the sum of £ ________ to my credit card numbered
as above
Signature ________________
Date ________________
Registered Card Holder’s address if different from above
by post with cheque or credit card payment to:
PPL, PO Box 96,
or by fax with credit card payment to:
PPL Conference Services
Fax: +44 (0) 1438-742792
*Peter Peregrinus Limited [PPL] is the authorised agent for the
Conference for the provision of conference registration and
management services.
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