Subject: Interoperable Electronic Copyright management Systems
From: Sarah Keates ( )
Date: ke 08 tammi 1997 - 17:18:02 EET
Inter-operable Electronic Copyright Management Systems
Friday 21 - Saturday 22 March 1997
Florence, Italy
The future of IPR management in networks is currently both under
discussion and under development. In Europe and the United
States, as well as in Japan and the rest of the world, project
groups and technology vendors is busy discussing, developing and
refining systems for managing copyright transactions.
Unfortunately, this vast amount of activity is largely
uncoordinated, with vendors and project groups individually
promoting systems that may conflict which will not be in the
interests of either right holders or consumers. Specifically,
right holders could find themselves dependent on technology
vendors and network operators offering non-interoperable systems
for the dissemination of copyright material. For the users, a
multiplicity of black boxes and associated hard and software to
access systems running non-interoperable copyright management
systems would be an unreasonable expense.
It is therefore proposed, by the COPEARMS, EVA, IESERV and
IMPRIMATUR projects, that a major event be held on March 21 and
22, 1997 to address this problem. The present proposal is for an
event* with two different components.
These meetings will be valuable to anyone interested in the
technical or operational aspects of electronic copyright
management systems should apply to come to these meetings. In
particular, technology developers, ECMS project partners,
IPR-related technology vendors and of potential users of ECMS
systems are particularly encouraged to apply for registration.
This event is sponsored by the Information Engineering
Programme (DGXIII) as an open concertation meeting held in
conjunction with the IMPRIMATUR and COPEARMS Projects (DGIII).
It is designed to be of general interest to organisations
embarking on the development of multimedia information services
and is intended to provide a forum for debate of key
business issues in the emerging information society.
Attendance is open to any interested party, not only
participants in EC sponsored projects, but also the
European multimedia industry in general and
representatives from the US or Japan. The objective of the
event is to provide a series of sessions with
specific focus on security, access, and EC sponsored
initiatives. Each session will be based around brief
presentations and ase study examples followed by a panel
discussion and questions. The whole day will be
conducted in Plenary session to ensure attendees have an
opportunity to gain maximum benefit from attendance.
The provisional agenda for the day is as follows:
08:30 - 09:30Registration
09:30-10:30 PLENARY - Chairman Mr. G. Stephenson
Chairs welcome:
Keynote address: The importance of IPR &
Case Study:
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 PLENARY - Security
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:30-15:45 PLENARY - Access: Copyright, Licensing
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:00 PLENARY - EC Sponsored Initiatives
17:00 CLOSE
This will be a by invitation only workshop. It will be for any
group that has IPR hardware or software under development. This
would include both participants in EC sponsored projects, the US
and Japanese developers and commercial technology vendors, from
Europe, the USA and Japan. The object of the workshop will be to
discuss interoperability, to enable information exchange and
finally to facilitate software tool trading. It is proposed that
the meeting last an entire day, conducted through presentations
and parallel workshops, each on specific issue (see below). The
meeting should be conducted on a basis of some confidentiality to
encourage developers to share information in a more liberal
The SIG will in particular address issues related to data
interchange between Electronic Copyright Management Systems and
the real world. Indeed, the objective is to facilitate the access
of the user of ECMS to different services in an open environment,
while preserving security.
The following issues will be dealt with:
* Interoperability between ECMSs developed independently from
each other on the basis of specific business models which trade
off security level against cost
* A standard format for describing electronic contracts. Such a
format would form a common ground of clauses of electronic
contracts and be valuable for any ECMS
* The need for gateways for exchanging data with external payment
services (e.g. e-cash) and with TTP servers (proofs of
transaction, directory of names, management of public encrypting
keys). To discuss this issue, organisations concerned with
Standard for Electronic Transactions - SET - should be involved
such as banks, credit cards companies, manufacturers of smart
cards. Gateways should give access to existing or foreseeable
services such as certification infrastructures.
* A standard classification and codification of data tattooing
techniques to be processed by an ECMS (recognition of watermarks,
recognition of labels, computation of digital signatures, etc.).
This would interest many vendors as a lot of products are coming
to the market.
The SIG agenda is as follows:
8.30-9.30 Registration
9.30-10.00 Plenary session with a keynote speaker on the
interoperability topic
10.00-10.30 Coffee break
10.30-12.30 Parallel sessions
- Interoperability between ECMS
- Standard format for electronic contracts
- Need for gateways with services and TTP
- Standard classification of data tattooing techniques
12.30-14.00 Lunch
14.30-15.30 Parallel sessions (continued)
15.30-16.00 Coffee break
16.00-16.50 Plenary session: reports from parallel sessions
17.00-17.30 Plenary session: conclusion of the SIG and public
presentation of EVA EC supported projects
Both Days - 125 ECUs (160 US Dollars)
Day 1 only - 80 ECUs (110 US Dollars)
Day 2 only - 60 ECUs (80 US Dollars)
Both Days - 65 ECUs (85 US Dollars)
Day 1 only - 40 ECUs ( 50 Dollars)
Day 2 only - 30 ECUs (40 US Dollars)
(Conversion date for ECU to National Currencies - January 1 1997)
as for cultural and educational institutions
Registrations forms should be sent to:
Vasari Enterprises Ltd.
Alexander House
50 Station Road
Aldershot GU11 1BG
Phone : 44 1252 350780
Fax : 44 1252 342039
Title ____________________________________________________
Surname ____________________First Name __________________
Name ____________________________________________________
Organisation _____________________________________________
Job Title __________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________
Post Code _______________________ Country _________________
Phone ____________________________________________________
Fax ______________________________________________________
Email ____________________________________________________
Principal activity of your organisation (Please tick one)
Commercial/Government ______________
Cultural/Educational __________________
N.B. Payments must be made in full and received by 14th March
Type of Registration (Ordinary or Discount) ___________________
Both Days _________________
Day One Only _____________
Day Two Only _____________
Total Payable ______________
Cheque/Bank Draft enclosed : ________________________toVASARI
Please charge my Credit Card (delete as necessary)
Visa/Mastercard/American Express/
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Card Holders Name _____________________________________
Expiry Date _____________________________________
Signature _____________________________________
Card Bill Address if different from above
Amount _____________________________________
*This event forms part of EVA Florence.
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